
UI Wins at National Student Scientific Week

Two teams from the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) won a silver medal for the PKM poster class on Written Futuristic Ideas (PKM GFT) and a bronze medal for the PKM GFT presentation class at the 35th National Student Science Week (PIMNAS) 2022 which took place at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang on November 30-December 3, 2002. The two FTUI teams initiated a renewable energy-based residential idea called the Energy Independent House and a futuristic city design, Star City: City Under the Sea.

Energy Independent House is a residential idea for the future that can generate electrical energy independently from several renewable energy sources such as sunlight, pressure from footrests on the floor, rainwater, and wind. Ahmad Zufar Ashshiddiqqi (Computer Engineering 2019), Firda Hanna Ismia (Industrial Engineering 2019), Fulky Hariz Zulkarnaen (Computer Engineering 2019), Muhammad Ilham Maulana Sidik (Computer Engineering 2019), and Nur Hanifah Lastianto (Industrial Engineering 2019) won silver medals for the PKM GFT poster class under the guidance of a Lecturer at the Department of Industrial Engineering (DTI) FTUI, Dr.rer.pol. Romadhani Ardi, S.T., M.T.

In the residential design proposed by the FTUI team, new and renewable energy is generated from several systems: solar panels, piezoelectric, water turbines, and wind turbines. Solar panels produce energy that uses sunlight, piezoelectric uses pressure from a footrest, and water and wind turbines each produce energy from water currents and wind.

Romadhani Ardi revealed five benefits of the ideas put forward by the team under his guidance. First, it is expected to maximize the use of electrical energy from renewable natural resources to realize energy sustainability; second, create a smart and green city-based area that is environmentally friendly and without air pollution from conventional power plants; third, reduce the impact and losses felt by the community due to the occurrence of power outages; fourth, reducing dependence on household electricity consumption from the System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) or the System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI); and fifth, supporting the government in efforts to realize SDG goals 7, 11 and 13 to maintain the sustainability of the lives of the Indonesian people.

The team from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (DTSL FTUI) who initiated the futuristic city design Star City: Underwater City won a bronze medal for the PKM GFT presentation class. The team consisting of Juan Fidel Ferdani (Civil Engineering 2019), Irwan (Environmental Engineering 2019), Rubby Anistia Prasetyo (Civil Engineering 2020), Brily Najmussabah (Environmental Engineering 2020), and Evan Ariel Christoper (Civil Engineering 2020) was supervised by a DTSL Lecturer FTUI, Dr. Nyoman Suwartha, S.T., M.T., M.Agr.

Star City is an underwater city concept with three advantages: energy independence, food independence, and resilient housing. “There are several aspects that we highlight in this Star City concept. First, to maintain energy continuity, Star City uses environmentally friendly energy sources based on light, heat, and motion energy. The heat energy used comes from OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) and heat energy comes from solar radiation, while the motion energy comes from wave energy. Second, to meet food needs, we apply an innovative farming system with limited land, namely the microgreen concept. Microgreens are plants that are harvested in the range of 7-14 days or after going through the germination process. Species that can be used as microgreens are very diverse, such as vegetables, spices, to staple foods such as wheat,” said Dr. Nyoman Suwartha.

The concept of the underwater city of Star City as a future residence is designed to utilize sunlight and sea waves as an energy source with the support of technology, such as OTEC, PLTGL, and floating PV. Residential structures in Star City will use a damping structure system, transportation modes undersea maglev systems, and a waste management system with gray water treatment phycoremediation. Star City residents can also fulfill their food needs with the microgreen vertical garden concept. Aside from being a residential city, Star City is also designed to be a marine conservation center equipped with innovations in coral reef cultivation (Marine Cultures), marine megafauna monitoring technology (WIPSEA), and a marine biodiversity collection gallery (Marine Gallery).

Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU expressed his highest appreciation for the achievements of the students and supervisors from FTUI who had made FTUI and UI proud in the 35th PIMNAS event. these solutive and creative ideas prove that FTUI students and lecturers have made a real impact in contributing and innovating. These two medals also at the same time recorded a good achievement record for FTUI and UI in the PIMNAS 35 event. Hopefully, this will be a motivation for other FTUI academics to continue to contribute and have an impact on others.”


Bureau of Public Communications
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia