
2019 SATU Joint Research Scheme (JRS) – Calling for Co-PI

The 2019 SATU Joint Research Scheme (JRS), under the SATU Presidents’ Forum, is now calling for Co-PI for research collaboration opportunities. We would like to ask your help to announce this information to all scholars and researchers in the related fields within your universities.

Please find the 2019 SATU Joint Research Scheme Projects List (Or download here). There are 97 PI projects this year in various disciplines. We encourage scholars from our SATU member universities to collaborate together.

Potential Co-PIs to apply online at before May 17, 2019.
Please note Co-PIs need to upload their CV.
The CV template is as attached (or download here).

SATU Presidents’ Forum International Secretariat
Presidents’ Forum of Southeast and South Asia and Taiwan Universities
SATU Presidents’ Forum International Secretariat
National Cheng Kung University
No.1, University Road, Tainan 70101, TAIWAN
Tel: +886-6-2099250
Fax: +886-6-2373551
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