September 22, 2020


Kompetisi PLN ICE (Ideas, Conference & Educstion) 2020 Empowering Youth & Nation

  Hi Electrizen! Ada info paling keren, khususnya untuk para mahasiswa, nih! _ Dalam rangka menyambug Hari Listrik Nasional ke-75, PLN melalui program PLN Peduli unit PLN Puslitbang Ketenagalistrikan mempersembahkan, _ PLN ICE (Ideas, Conference & Educstion) 2020 Empowering Youth & Nation _ Tunjukan karya terbaikmu dalam lomba essay, Fotografi & Video Competition PLN ICE...

Kompetisi Wiki Jelajah 2.0

Wikimedia Indonesia ingin mengajak teman-teman mahasiswa di Fakultas Teknik UI untuk mengikuti kompetisi Wiki Jelajah 2.0. Wiki Jelajah 2.0 merupakan upaya Wikimedia Indonesia untuk membantu jutaan murid sekolah dasar dan menengah di Indonesia untuk mendapatkan akses suplemen ilmu pengetahuan gratis dan berkualitas melalui Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia. Selain berbagi ilmu pengetahuan, teman-teman mahasiswa di Fakultas Teknik UI...

Scholarship from SIIT Thammasat University, Thailand.

Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT), Thammasat University, Thailand offers International Programs in Engineering, Technology, and management with 100 % of the courses using English as medium of instruction. Please find more information on www.siit.tu.ac.th We would like to introduce the Scholarship for Excellent Foreign Students (EFS) for Master/Doctoral Degree, and EFS-U for Bachelor Degree to study in the areas of Engineering, Technology and Management at...

2021 Vancouver Summer Program (VSP) at the University of British Columbia (UBC)

Even though COVID-19 has interrupted many events, we remain hopeful and optimistic that we will be able to host the Vancouver Summer Program (VSP) at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Summer 2021! We have lots to tell you about and we hope that you will join us for a Virtual Information Session this...

BIOS Hackathon 2020

Himpunan Informatika Universitas Multimedia Nusantara menyelenggarakan kegiatan lomba Hackathon BIOS 2020 antar universitas se-Indonesia dengan tema “​Fill the Future with Creativity​.” Hackathon merupakan perlombaan dalam membuat prototipe aplikasi berdasarkan bidang tema yang diangkat, yaitu ​Artificial Intelligence​ , dengan waktu pengerjaan selama 1 X 24 jam dan lomba akan diadakan secara ​online​. Final dari Hackathon akan...

Vacancy for Software Engineer at LUMA

LUMA is a fast-moving technology company based in Green Lake City, Tangerang, Indonesia that focuses on building modern enterprise software solutions. Founded in 2019 by ex-Silicon Valley engineers, we have been implementing large enterprise solutions (such as Odoo ERP) for our clients and creating our suite of software products. Why join us? At LUMA, we...