
Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Department Expert

Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Department Expert

Adam Febriyanto Nugraha

Synthesis and Characterization of Polymer Materials, Fuel Cell, Renewable Energy

Ahmad Zakiyuddin

Advanced Corrosion

Alfian Ferdiansyah Madsuha

Solar Cell Materials, Renewable Energy

Anne Zulfia Syahrial

Metallurgical Engineering, Composite Material, Advance Material, Energy Material (Battery)

Azizah Intan Pangesty

Biomaterials, Corrosion

Badrul Munir

Electronic Material, Solar Cell Materials, Physical Metallurgy, Manufacture, Welding Metallurgy

Bambang Priyono

Catalyst Material, Energy Materials

Bambang Suharno

Metallurgical Engineering, Metal Casting and Alloy Design, Iron & Steel Making, Mineral Processing

Bondan Tiara

Physical Metallurgy, Metallurgy of Aluminum Alloy, Materials Processing and Heat Treatment, Composite material

Dedi Priadi

Metal Forming

Deni Ferdian

Failure Analysis of Materials, Casting & Solidification, Phase Transformation

Donanta Dhaneswara

Metal Casting and Alloy Design, Ceramic Materials and Membran Technology

Dwi Marta Nurjaya

Material Characterization, Geo-Polymer Materials

Eddy Sumarno Siradj

Nano Materials, Metallurgical Manufacturing Process & Management

Johny Wahyuadi Mudaryoto

Metallurgical Engineering, Corrosion & Protection, Metallurgy Extraction, Mineral Processing

Mochamad Chalid

Polymer Technology, Bio-Polymers, Material Chemistry

Muhammad Anis

Welding Metallurgy, Metallurgy Physic

Myrna Ariati Mochtar

Thermo-Mechanical Treatment, Powder Metallurgy

Nofrijon Bin Imam Sofyan

Nanomaterial, Electronic Ceramic

Rahmat Saptono

Metal Forming, Mechanical Behaviour of Materials in Design, Manufacture and Engineering Applications

Reza Miftahul Ulum

Extractive Metallurgy

Rini Riastuti

Electro-Cemical, Corrosion

Sotya Astutiningsih

Mechanical Metallurgy, Geo-Polymer Materials

Sri Harjanto

Functional Materials, Extractive Metallurgy

Sutopo (Emeritus)

Composite Material, Thermometallurgy

Wahyuaji Narottama Putra

Electrical Material


Welding Metallurgy, Welding Technology, Failure Analysis of Materials

Yudha Pratesa

Biomaterials, Material Degradation & Protection, Chemical Metallurgy