
Master Erasmus Mundus JMD DYCLAM – Cultural Landscapes

ERASMUS MUNDUS JMD DYCLAM, which is a programme about sustainable management and enhancement of cultural landscapes. This programme lasts 2 years and takes place between the universities of St Etienne (France), Naples (Italy) and Stuttgart (Germany), Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (Portugal) and the National Museum of Natural History, in Paris (France).

This programme can be of interest for students of all nationalities (European as well as non-European) coming from various backgrounds : Humanities (social and human sciences), law, economics, psychics, chemistry, as well as architecture, urbanism, art and design, heritage and landscape, or engineering, Biology, Antropology, Etnology, Archeolog, Cuture.

Could you kindly forward this leaflet to all interested people or to display it in your office.

The application deadline to join the 2015-2017 cohort is 15th march 2015.

NEW!!!! There are new scholarships ! Please

BE CAREFULL! It’s time to apply for Jean Monnet Foundation Scolarship and Consortium (10 000 euros for the first year): before 15 th April 2014.

French embassies can also provide scholarships. Please check on the French Embassy website of your country !!!

Further information, particularly concerning registration fees and financial helps can be found on our website :



