Discover our French and social sciences electives. Whether you want to study politics, international relations, or economics at France’s leading university for the social sciences, or you’re seeking French language immersion in Paris, the Sciences Po Summer School allows you to do both! In addition to core courses in French language or social sciences, students...
Beasiswa bagi Mahasiswa dan Alumni yang berminat untuk melanjutkan studi Master dan Doktoral di Thaksin University, Thailand. Detail informasi dapat dilihat disini Formulir aplikasi dapat dilihat disini Pendaftaran dan informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi pihak Thaksin University: International Ph.D. program Thaksin University Songkhla, Thailand <>
Universitas Indonesia bekerja sama dengan SEA menawarkan beasiswa penuh selama empat tahun bagi mahasiswa UI dari program studi teknik, ilmu komputer, hukum, keuangan, bisnis, akuntansi, dan/atau kewirausahaan. Persyaratan Pendaftaran, Keuntungan Penerima Beasiswa Sea, dan Proses Seleksi dapat dilihat selengkapnya melalui : Batas akhir pendaftaran pada 31 Agustus 2018. Info lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi :...
EPITA is among the top five computer engineering schools in France, It will organize in summer 2018 on its Parisian campus different short sessions dedicated to undergraduate students. For a short but significant and rewarding experience in Paris, EPITA proposes some 3-week summer programs (up to 6 ECTS credits), starting on the 2nd of July...
Syracuse University (SU) College of Engineering and Computer Science is offering an MS degree in Engineering and Computer Science at SU in Fall 2018. You would join a diverse and sizable graduate program, enrolling nearly 900 MS students from 22 countries each year. SU offer scurricula in 11 fields (listed below) and multiple concentrations, designed...
The new call is now open for the Pasteur – Paris University International Doctoral program, for students beginning in October 2018; see flyer below. This doctoral program began in 2009 in the vibrant research environment of the Institut Pasteur in Paris, France, and has grown in each succeeding year. For details, see: The current list...
Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT), Thammasat University, Thailand (SIIT) offers International Programs in Engineering, Technology, and management with 100 % of the courses using English as medium of instruction. Please find more information on We would like to introduce the Scholarship for Excellent Foreign Students (EFS) which is a graduate scholarship for studying...
We are pleased to announce the start of the application period for the Tokyo Tech-Asia Young Scientist and Engineer Advanced Study Program (Tokyo Tech-AYSEAS) 2017. This annual program is the successor to the Japan-Asia Young Scientist and Engineer Study Visit (JAYSES) program, which ran from 2007 to 2012. Tokyo Tech-AYSEAS will be held in the summer of 2017 in Manila,...
Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT), Thammasat University, Thailand offers International Programs in Engineering, Technology, and management with 100 % of the courses using English as medium of instruction. Please find more information on The Scholarship for Excellent Foreign Students (EFS) which is a graduate scholarship for studying in the areas of Engineering, Technology and...
Spring School Programme 2017. Beasiswa ini ditawarkan oleh Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology dan Japan Student Services Organization bekerja sama dengan Chiba University dan ASEAN University Network dengan tema : “Walking along the Path of Japan’s Modern History, Culture & Heritage, and Contemporary Society“. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada : 13 – 23...