Delegasi Universitas Indonesia (UI) yang terdiri atas enam mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik UI (FTUI) menyuguhkan ide inovatif berupa pengolahan limbah sampah plastik menjadi bahan baku benang filamen printer tiga dimensi dalam ajang kompetisi bisnis bertajuk Asian Students’ Venture Forum yang berlangsung di Korea Selatan. Berkat tawaran ide bisnis tersebut, para Delegasi UI berhasil membawa pulang predikat...
Tema Lomba : Pamer-in UI! pamer/pa·mer/ /pamér/ verb menunjukkan (mendemonstrasikan) sesuatu yang dimiliki kepada orang lain dengan maksud memperlihatkan kelebihan atau keunggulan. Pamer dapat dilakukan dengan menunjukkan UI dari berbagai sisi (muka/visual, perasaan, capaian, dan/atau filosofi yang selama ini sudah/kurang/belum terekspos. Peserta lomba diharapkan dapat menghasilkan visualisasi karya yang unik, berbeda, inovatif, dan kreatif untuk menjadi ajang pamer...
The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) will once again host the National Engineers Day (NED) 2019 in Devan Nair Institute for Employment and Employability (E2i), Singapore from 18 – 20 July 2019. The Engineering Innovation Challenge (EIC) is open to all universities around the world. This provides an excellent opportunity for university students to share knowledge, experience and expand their network, to promote...
The Association “Youth Platform of Professional Metallurgists” organizes the International Championship of technological strategy in metallurgy “Metal Cup – 2019” (further Championship). The aim of the championship is to increase the internationalization of higher education, to facilitate academic mobility and to strengthen technical vocational education and training, to enhance cooperation in education and research in...
CALL FOR IDEAS: ELIMINATE LONELINESS THROUGH DESIGN Greetings from Bubble! We invite your students to enter our international competition: Eliminate Loneliness Through Design, which is now open for registration at £45 ($60) per team. Our aim is to collect design ideas geared towards tackling loneliness. Whether this be on the individual or collective, micro or macro,...
Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia (RSUI) bekerja sama dengan pihak Dare akan menyelenggarakan acara Equal Fun Run 2019. Equal Fun Run 2019 merupakan acara perdana lari tahunan yang melibatkan ratusan pengguna prostesis (pengguna kaki palsu) dan teman-teman difabel lainnya. Ajang ini merupakan sebuah pembuktian bahwa pengguna prostesis dan teman-teman difabel lainnya dapat berinteraksi dan berkolaborasi bersama di dalam komunitas...
The Spain Programme for International Cooperation on Industrial Research and Development (Unilateral) of industry-driven and close to market R&D Projects is ap program between Spanish companies in collaboration with entities (companies, research centers, universities, other R&D-performing organizations) of the following countries: Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, India,...
Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) Singapore under the Ministry of Communications and Information of Singapore would like to invite University of Indonesia to participate at the Youth Innovation Showcase & Awards held at Singapore’s largest tech carnival for the public – SG: Digital Wonderland on 18 & 19 May 2019 at Suntec City Convention Centre, Singapore....
The ASEAN Culture House (ACH), operated by the Korea Foundation, was established in September 2017 in Busan. With its cultural, educational and human resources, the ACH aims to become a lively and interactive platform for exchanges between Korea and ASEAN to further the friendship between their peoples. In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the...
Language, Education and Debate Society (LEADS) UniKL RCMP will be organizing a debate championship, British Parliamentary Novice Debate 2019 which will be held in UniKL RCMP, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia on 6th of April 2019. The objective of the event is to find and discover new talents and potential debaters in universities all over the nation....