

International Conference on Biodiversity Airlangga University Indonesia

Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Airlangga, akan menyelenggarakan the 1st International Conference on Biodiversity (IcoBioDiv) yang akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 17-18 September 2019 di Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya. Tema acara tahun ini adalah “Biodiversity: Sustainable solution for human welfare”. Kami mengundang para peneliti, dosen, mahasiswa, pelaku industri, pemerintah, pemangku kepentingan, dan pembuat keputusan untuk mempresentasikan...

2019 SATU Joint Research Scheme (JRS) – Calling for Co-PI

The 2019 SATU Joint Research Scheme (JRS), under the SATU Presidents’ Forum, is now calling for Co-PI for research collaboration opportunities. We would like to ask your help to announce this information to all scholars and researchers in the related fields within your universities. Please find the 2019 SATU Joint Research Scheme Projects List (Or download here). There...

Audit Eksternal ISO 9001 dan ISO 14001 di Lingkungan FTUI

Kamis, 2 Mei 2019, rangkaian kegiatan Pekan Audit Eksternal ISO 9001 & ISO 14001.  Kegiatan yang akan berlangsung selama dua hari ke depan ini dibuka di Ruang Chevron FT UI dan dihadiri oleh jajaran dekanat, departemen

Asia Pacific URTeC 2019

Papers Submission for Asia Pacific URTeC 2019 Extended: 6 May 2019 View this email as a web page. Submission Deadline Extended to 6 May 2019 The Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (Asia Pacific URTeC) paper submission deadline has been extended to 6 May 2019. Themed “Expanding Unconventionals – Making it Happen”, this flagship event is a joint effort...


Call for Papers  THE 18TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT SOFTWARE METHODOLOGIES, TOOLS, AND TECHNIQUES (SOMET_19) 23 – 25 September 2019 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia https://ieeecomputer.my/somet2019/ This event is a continuation of an existing series of SOMET. This conference series highlights and reflects the state-of-art and new trends on software methodologies, tools and techniques. You are invited...

Ida Bagus Made Putra Jandhana, Doktor FTUI Pengembang Sistem IKI dalam Kinerja Sektor Industri

Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) kembali menganugerahkan gelar doktor kepada salah satu mahasiswa terbaik FTUI, Ida Bagus Made Putra Jandhana. Pria kelahiran Cimahi, 8 Januari 1966 ini berhasil

APRU Sustainable Cities and Landscape Conference 2019

2019 APRU Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Conference UNSW Sydney August 29 – September 1, 2019 The 2019 APRU Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Conference will take place from August 29 to September 1, hosted by the UNSW Sydney. The Cities and Refugees Global Student Design Competition opens now for registration until July 20, 2019 and results announced at the conference. The APRU SCL...

AUAP -SCU Asia Summer University 2019

The Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP)  in cooperation with Shih Chien University (SCU) of Taipei, Taiwan will organize the Asia Summer University 2019 Programme offering 8 courses to be held on the following dates : July 7-July 20, 2019. August 4-August 17, 2019. The details of these 8 intensive courses and...

Al Sharq Youth Conference 2019

  Al Sharq Youth Annual Conference The flagship event of the Al Sharq Youth Network where all the initiatives and the projects of the network are highlighted. The conference which usually lasts for two days, brings together hundreds of youth from across the world including young academics, entrepreneurs, innovators and youth leaders, and provides them...

Magister Teknik Sistem Energi FT UI adakan Focus Group Discussion Tentang Pengembangan Sistem Penyimpanan Energi di Indonesia

Pada Rabu, 24 April 2019 Program Studi Magister Multidisiplin Teknik Sistem Energi, FT UI melaksanakan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dengan tema “ Roles of Energy Storage System (ESS) in Indonesian Electrical Power System”.
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