About this Symposium Other SPE Events Contact Us Submit Your Paper to SPE Symposium: Decommissioning & Abandonment 2019 Asia is set to increase its decommissioning activities as more fields are reaching the end of their economic life in the years to come. With limited experience, increased complexity and the involvement of multiple stakeholders, the implementation...
Expanding Unconventionals – Making it Happen “As we continue to explore new opportunities, we must address challenges unique to the APAC region during unconventional exploration and development. For instance, identifying optimal techniques for challenging stress regimes and maturing logistics are keys to the industry reaching its full potential. The industry needs continuous improvement to ensure...
Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (FABU UTM) in collaboration with UTM Postgraduate Student Society (PGSS) FABU would like to invite Universitas Indonesia Postgraduate Students to our 1st International Graduate Conference of Built Environment and Surveying 2019 (GBES 2019). Date: 24th June 2019 to 26th June 2019 Venue: Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti...
EUBCE 2019 – The conference plenaries preview by David Baxter part 2 The conference plenaries are previewed around the two strands of biomass. Strand 1: Biomass technological progress towards decarbonised energy system PLENARY SESSION Tuesday, 28 May 10:15 – 12:30 Strand 2: Biomass industry perspectives to meet sustainable development and climate goals PLENARY...
Join the movement for a sustainable Earth at Temasek Foundation International-NUS Youth Ecosperity Dialogue 2019 Make a difference in the world we live in. Be a part of the sustainability movement. Join us at the Temasek Foundation International-NUS Youth Ecosperity Dialogue from June 5 – 9 2019, and do your part to make Earth a more...
‘DATA’19 II. Interdisciplinary Medical Research Congress‘ held on 14-16th June,2019 at Karabük University in Turkey. The committee would like to invite those interested to participate as an audience as well as an oral presenter. It is dedicated to academics, practitioners, researchers and PhD students in the field of medicine, medical engineering, bio medical engineering and health sciences....
SEAMEO RIHED and the ASEAN-China Center (ACC) will organise the5th SEAMEO RIHED-ACC Seminar and Study Visit Programme on 19-25 May 2019, to Wuhan, Hubei Province, PR China. Join us and other Southeast Asian higher education institutions’ leaders and researchers on this programme to Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province and the educational hub of Central China! Under the theme...
Senin, 18 Maret 2019, Smart City UI kembali mengadakan Public Lecture dengan menghadirkan dua pembicara dari University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Acara yang berlangsung di Ruang Chevron FT UI ini dibuka secara resmi oleh Wakil Dekan Bidang Pendidikan, Penelitian, dan Kemahasiswaan, Dr. Ir. Muhamad Asvial, M.Eng. Seminar yang terbagi atas dua sesi ini dimulai dengan...
Jumat, 15 Maret 2019, Fakultas Teknik UI kembali mengadakan Seminar Series yang diprakarsai oleh Departemen Teknik Metalurgi dan Material Fakultas Teknik UI. Seminar yang berlangsung di Ruang Chevron FT UI ini menghadirkan pakar ilmu kimia, Dr. Nikos Hadjichristidis dari King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. Topik bahasan pemateri pada kegiatan ini adalah “Novel Strategies...
Seize this unique and exclusive opportunity! Limited slots available, register now! SEAMEO RIHED and the Japan Association for National University (JANU) have the pleasure to invite you to join the 1st SEAMEO RIHED-JANU Seminar and Study Visit to Japan on 23-29 June 2019! With the theme on Technology Innovation and Social Engagement for Sustainable Development, the Seminar...