
Establishing Global Experience Through Intercultural Program

UI-HCONTECH Technology and Cultural Exchange Program brought by Hyundai Construction & Technology, in collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia has been held for the third time on Friday, August 9th, 2019. This annual/biannual Event interactively engages generally 35 to 40 Korean students from assorted majors and universities with, correspondingly in amount, FT UI Students.

The full-day event took places in the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, and comprises a series of activities. A technology seminar commenced the series and was inaugurated by a greeting speech from FT UI dean, Ir.Dr. Ir. Hendri Dwi Saptioratri Budiono M.Eng, as well as Hyundai Jakarta Branch Office Manager, Lee Won-Jae.

This seminar carried the theme of sophisticated technology and was interspersed with a cultural topic. Korean student presented several topics such as 4th industrial revolution technologies, smart city & construction, as well as successful enterprises cases while FT UI students shared their established technological project, for instance, KERSOS FT UI, Bungin Techno Village, and Industrial and System Engineering Competition. From traditional to pop culture, they acquainted us with not only traditional heritage such as Hanok (Korean traditional house) and Hanbok (traditional costume), but also a modern culture that we’re familiar with under the term ‘k-pop’. Alternately, FT UI student presented about annual excursion from Architecture Department and an endeavor to revitalize a colonial building as a preserved culture in Cimanggis.

Afterward, the excitement continues with the cultural exhibition booth that wrapped the Korean culture interactively in traditional folk games, face painting, Seoye (Korean calligraphy), Fan Painting, and Photobooth where the visitors can use Hanbok as a property. One of FT UI’s student club, BKST also took part in the exhibition by displaying Indonesian traditional costume and traditional musical instrument. An impressive performance from the Korean students concluded the culture exhibition.

To give an authentic experience of our campus, the volunteers were taken on an all-inclusive campus tour around the Faculty of Engineering, and the Central Library. Since most of the volunteers are studying engineering, they were given a chance to visit the laboratory in each department.

“It was a good event and the use of technology to exchange culture is very much appreciated as it is a common language that relates us all”, Rithwik, one of the participants from the Faculty of Engineering gave his testimony about this event.

Considering the emerging era of globalization, and how crucial college students’ role as the nation’s successor is, International collaboration should be encouraged in the scale of higher educational practice. The awaiting future demands collaboration regardless country and nationality. Opportunely, the UI-HCONTECH seminar has given its contribution in the field of technology and cultural, and hopefully can encourage more collaboration to be established in the future.