
Implementation of SDGs 4 at FTUI

4.2 Proportion of graduates with teaching qualification

4.2.1 Proportion of graduates with relevant qualification for teaching

FTUI graduated a total of 1918 people in 2022. These graduates have relevant qualifications to teach at primary school level.

4.3 Lifelong learning measures

4.3.1 Public resources (lifelong learning)

Provide free access to educational resources for those not studying at the university – e.g. computers, library, online courses, and access to lectures.

FTUI provides several Open Videos Universitas Indonesia in and video podcast called ProfCast to convey information to the Indonesian people regarding innovation and expertise of FTUI professors and lecturers in our Youtube platform.

Evidence link:

  1. UI MOOCs
  2. Youtube FTUI


4.3.2 Public events (lifelong learning)

Host events at university that are open to the general public: public lectures, community educational events.

FT UI routinely organizes events at the university level open to the general public, events held include public lectures and community education events. During 2022, FT UI held 53 events.

Evidence link:

Poster Events FTUI


4.3.3 Vocational training events (lifelong learning)

Host events at university that are open to the general public: executive education programmes (this refers to short courses for people who are not attending the university; this specifically excludes courses like MBA) and/or vocational training.

During 2022, FTUI will conduct 3 trainings for lecturers, namely Leadership Training, AA Pekerti PAPT Induction Training, and Public Speaking Training. Apart from that, FTUI also carries out 4 trainings for employees, namely Modern Office Training, English Language Training, Seven Habits Training, and Advanced Excel Training.

 Evidence link:

Training Events FTUI 2022


4.3.4 Education outreach activities beyond campus

Undertake educational outreach activities (e.g. tailored lectures or demonstrations) beyond campus – in local schools, in the community. This can include voluntary student-run schemes.

TIS or Technique Informal School is an autonomous body at IKM FTUI which operates in the social field of education with its main activity being teaching and learning activities. Since February 4 2005, TIS FTUI has been trying to realize educational equality in Indonesia by providing access to non-formal education free of charge. The mission of TIS FTUI itself is to build awareness of IKM FTUI students and increase knowledge of social issues in education by building maximum work programs in a climate of professionalism to create benefits for residents of operational areas. TIS FTUI has two operational locations, namely RPTRA Seruni Pasar Minggu and Saungelmu Pasar Minggu.

Evidence link:

  1. Instagram TIS FTUI
  2. Website TIS FTUI


4.3.5 Lifelong learning access policy

A policy that ensures that access to these activities is accessible to all, regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability immigration status or gender.

4.4 Proportion of first-generation students

4.4.1 Proportion of first-generation students

FTUI graduated 1918 people in 2022. Of the number of graduates, 139 people were the first generation of students to start undergraduate studies.