
Implementation of SDGs 8 at FTUI

8.2 Employment practice

8.2.1 Employment practice living wage

Pay all staff and faculty at least the living wage, defined as the local living wage (if government defines this) or the local financial poverty indicator for a family of four (expressed as an hourly wage)

FTUI has a policy regarding HR Management and the Board of Trustees, hereinafter abbreviated as MWA, which carries out normative functions in the non-academic field representing the government, society and the university itself to determine, observe and evaluate existing general and management policies as well as the financial health of the university. MWA membership includes lecturer representatives. One of the MWA’s main tasks is to provide recommendations and suggestions to the Chancellor regarding university management and implementation of decisions.

Evidence Link : 

Regulations of HR Management


8.2.2 Employment practice unions

Recognise unions and labour rights (freedom of association and collective bargaining) for all, including women and international staff

8.2.3 Employment policy on discrimination

Have a policy on ending discrimination in the workplace (including discrimination based on religion, sexuality, gender, age or refugee status)

8.2.4 Employment policy modern slavery

Have a policy commitment against forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour

8.2.5 Employment practice equivalent rights outsourcing

Have a policy on guaranteeing equivalent rights of workers when outsourcing activities to third parties

8.2.6 Employment policy pay scale equity

Have a policy on pay scale equity including a commitment to measurement and elimination of

gender pay gaps

8.2.7 Tracking pay scale for gender equity

Measurement or tracking pay scale gender equity

8.3 Expenditure per employee

8.3.1 Expenditure per employee

Number of employees: 217

University expenditure: 159231126845

8.4 Proportion of students taking work placements

8.4.1 Proportion of students with work placements

Number of students: 7938

Number of students with work placements for more than a month: 704

8.5 Proportion of employees on secure contracts

8.5.1 Proportion of employees on secure contracts

FTUI has 169 employees, of which 27 are contract employees whose contract periods are currently more than 24 months. The proportion of employees with secure contracts at FTUI is 1:6.