Number of graduates: 1872
3.3.1 Current collaborations with health institutions
Have current collaborations with local, national, or global health institutions to improve health and well-being outcomes.
The Faculty of Engineering conducted collaboration with health institutions especially during pandemic, especially in designing and producing medical devices and supplies. This products include COVENT-20 and Swab Flocks
Local: The Faculty of Engineering has conducted various researches, examples of research are in the attached link
National: The Faculty of Engineering has conducted various researches, examples of research are in the attached link
Global: The Faculty of Engineering has conducted various researches, examples of research are in the attached link
FTUI and PT. Inspiry Indonesia Consultants signed a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) regarding the Development of Collaboration between the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia and Industrial Partners in December 2022. There are 60 superior products created by FTUI inventors which will provide opportunities for collaboration with manufacturing partners and distributors of medical devices in Indonesia. FTUI’s innovative products include: Liquid Propolis Soap, Transparent Propolis Soap, Facial Bone Implants – Screws, Facial Bone Implants – Bone Plates, Dry Antioxidant Propolis Spray, Dental and Oral Health Propolis, Air Disinfection, Respiratory Sterilizers, Flolis, and many more. The Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI), continues to move to prioritize the results of collaboration between universities, government and industrial partners for the advancement of science, research and innovation that has an impact on society. One of the strategies carried out by FTUI is reverse engineering activities or reverse engineering of various health products. This activity complements various research in the field of health products carried out by FTUI lecturers, researchers and students.
Evidence link:
FTUI and PT. Inspiry Prepares Reverse Engineering of 60 Products in the Health Sector
3.3.2 Health outreach programmes
Deliver outreach programmes and projects in the local community (which can include student volunteering programmes) to improve or promote health and well-being including hygiene, nutrition, family planning, sports, exercise, aging well, and other health and well-being related topics.
This can also include outreach programmes to displaced or refugee communities local to the institution.
Local Communities: FTUI students developed a game application called “Corona Go” with the aim of educating the public about preventing the spread of Covid-19 interactively and not boring. The Corona Go application was held with the support of a grant from the DPPM UI.
Disadvantaged people: FT UI has created several tools for the prevention and handling of Covid-19:
Refugee/immigrant communities: FTUI students designed the Recovery Device for Emergency and Catastrophic Situations (RDECS) as an innovation in disaster emergency response technology. RDECS is a portable device that is capable of providing a solar-based power source, pumping and filtering groundwater to make it clean and healthy for consumption by disaster refugees, as well as entertainment facilities in the form of a projector to help relieve boredom and post-disaster psychological recovery for refugees, especially children.
The FTUI Community Service Team (Pengmas) from the Chemical Engineering Department Study Program (DTK) held community service activities (pengmas) which were packaged through the activity “Chemical Engineering in Charity (CHERRY) 2022. CHERRY 2022 was held in Cibuntu Village, Ciampea District, Regency Bogor, West Java. Most residents in Cibuntu do not have toilets. They use the surrounding rivers to meet their water needs. This has the potential to have a negative impact on the environment and residents’ health if left for a long period of time, therefore the FTUI Community Service Team is building public toilet facilities in collaboration with the Science and Technology Sector of the FTUI Chemical Engineering Student Association (IMTK). The FTUI Community Service Team is also collaborating with the Society of Petroleum Engineers Universitas Indonesia Student Chapter (SPE UISC), American Institute of Chemical Engineers Universitas Indonesia Student Chapter (AIChE UISC), dan Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia Seksi Mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia (IATMI SMUI), will build a water pump installation to meet the needs for clean water with a larger discharge. This activity ended with the provision of health examination services in collaboration with the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) UI. This health examination is provided free of charge to residents, including physical examination (height and weight), general health examination, providing education on healthy lifestyles, and distribution of medical equipment containing vitamins B, C, and D.
Evidence link:
FTUI Builds MCK and Assists in Supplying Clean Water for Residents of Cibuntu, Bogor
3.3.3 Shared sports facilities
Share sports facilities with the local community, for instance with local schools or with the general public.
3.3.4 Sexual and reproductive health care services for students
Provide students access to sexual and reproductive health-care services including information and education services.
Universitas Indonesia provides students with access to sexual and reproductive health services through the Makara UI Satellite Clinic. The clinic functions as a comprehensive health center offering physical examinations, mental health counseling, sexual and reproductive health services. All of these services are available free of charge to students. Apart from that, FTUI through the Student Affairs Unit and BEM FTUI Adkesma Team also provides support for mental, sexual and reproductive health problems. This support includes preventive efforts within the FTUI community and student development.
Evidence link:
3.3.5 Mental health support
Provide students and staff with access to mental health support.
To increase awareness of mental health problems, FTUI through the Student Affairs Unit and BEM Adkesma held Counselor Training for Lecturers. The aim of this mental health training is to provide a new perspective and understanding for the FTUI academic community regarding their role as counselors for students. The role of lecturers as counselors will be a support system for students who experience stress which has an impact on academic problems.
Apart from that, FTUI also conducts dialogue regarding mental health problems among students. The result of this dialogue is that a task force will be formed to address mental health problems. This task force consists of lecturers, education staff, student representatives and BEM members. Later their task will be to carry out preventive efforts within the FTUI community and assist students regarding mental health issues. This program is free.
Evidence link:
3.3.6 Smoke-free policy. Have a ‘smoke-free’ policy.
UI has a policy called Kawasan Tanpa Rokok (Non-Smoking Area) regulated by Keputusan Rektor Universitas Indonesia Nomor 1805/SK/R/UI/2011 tentang Kawasan Tanpa Rokok Universitas Indonesia (Decree of the Rector of the Universitas Indonesia Number 1805/SK/R/UI/2011 concerning the Non-Smoking Area of the Universitas Indonesia). This decree was strengthened by the decree of the Dean of Engineering Faculty Number 1604/D/SK/FTUI/2013 tentang Kebijakan Kawasan Tanpa Rokok di FTUI
FTUI has a policy on Smoke-Free Areas, as stipulated in the Rector’s Decision Number: 1604/D/SK/FTUI/2013 regarding the Smoke-Free Area Policy at FTUI. This policy has 7 main points, namely:
Apart from that, FTUI provides a smoking area in Building S and the lower part of the FTUI Canteen
Evidence link: