
Implementation of SDGs 13 at FTUI

13.2 Low-carbon energy use

13.2.1 Low-carbon energy tracking

Measure the amount of low carbon energy used across the university

13.2.2 Low-carbon energy use

In 2022, the total energy used at FTUI will be 2082795 kWh

13.3 Environmental education measures

13.3.1 Local education programmes on climate

Provide local education programmes or campaigns on climate change risks, impacts, mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning

FTUI collaborates with Kompas Daily to organize the Kompas 100 CEO Forum: CEO On Stage. Held on (21/11/22), at the Mochtar Riady Plaza Quantum Building (MRPQ) Department of Electrical Engineering (DTE) FTUI. This activity is a talk show activity with an interesting discussion, namely Taking Bold Actions Against Climate Crisis, filled by several great speakers, namely the Dean of FTUI Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU., Senior Investment Associate at East Ventures Gavin Adrian, President Director of Adaro Power Dharma Djojonegoro, and Director of Strategic Planning and Business Development of Pertamina NRE Fadli Rahman. Through the Kompas 100 CEO Forum: CEO On Stage with the topic Energy Transition in Reducing the Climate Crisis, it is hoped that participants will be able to understand priority issues, in this case the climate problem, which cannot be ignored. 

Evidence Link : 

FTUI Collaborates with Kompas Daily to Hold Kompas 100 CEO Forum: CEO On Stage


13.3.2 Climate Action Plan, shared

Have a university Climate Action plan, shared with local government and local community groups

The community service team from Universitas Indonesia, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney (UTS-ISF), together with the Muhammadiyah University of Banjarmasin (UMB) held a Workshop on Climate Impact Analysis and Methods for Determining Adaptation Priorities on 26-28 July 2022 at the Rattan Inn Hotel, Banjarmasin. Members of this community service team consist of researchers from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI), UTS-ISF and the UMB Faculty of Engineering. The team was led by Dr. Cindy Rianti Priadi, S.T., M.Sc. (FTUI) and Dr. Jeremy Kohlitz (UTS-ISF). The workshop, which lasted for three days, invited a number of decision makers in the Banjarmasin regional government such as Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD), such as the PUPR service, the Environmental Service, the local PAL Perumda. This workshop raised the issue of climate change and its impact on sanitation with the aim of implementing the framework that has been developed by the service team for identifying risks due to sea level rise as well as effective adaptation plans for the sanitation sector.

Evidence Link : 

FTUI Lecturers Research Urban Sanitation Resilient to Climate Change


13.3.3 Co-operative planning for climate change disasters

Participate in co-operative planning for climate change disasters, that may include the displacement of people both within a country and across borders, working with government

The community service team from Universitas Indonesia, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney (UTS-ISF), together with the Muhammadiyah University of Banjarmasin (UMB) held a Workshop on Climate Impact Analysis and Methods for Determining Adaptation Priorities on 26-28 July 2022 at the Rattan Inn Hotel, Banjarmasin. Members of this community service team consist of researchers from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI), UTS-ISF and the UMB Faculty of Engineering. The team was led by Dr. Cindy Rianti Priadi, S.T., M.Sc. (FTUI) and Dr. Jeremy Kohlitz (UTS-ISF). The workshop, which lasted for three days, invited a number of decision makers in the Banjarmasin regional government such as Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD), such as the PUPR service, the Environmental Service, the local PAL Perumda. This workshop raised the issue of climate change and its impact on sanitation with the aim of implementing the framework that has been developed by the service team for identifying risks due to sea level rise as well as effective adaptation plans for the sanitation sector.

Evidence Link : 

FTUI Lecturers Research Urban Sanitation Resilient to Climate Change


13.3.4 Inform and support government

Inform and support local or regional government in local climate change disaster or risk early warning and monitoring


13.3.5 Environmental education collaborate with NGO

Collaborate with NGOs on climate adaptation

13.4 Commitment to carbon neutral university

13.4.1 Commitment to carbon neutral university

Have a target date by which it will become carbon neutral according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocols?

FTUI has a publication regarding “Carbon footprint calculation based on campus activities at The University of Indonesia”. In this research, it was explained that the projection of GRG greenhouse gas emissions until 2030 using the arithmetic method for business as usual conditions, it was found that GRG emissions in 2030 would be worth 48064 tonsCO2eq. Because waste generation has decreased from 2015 to 2017, waste generation until 2030 is projected to tend to decrease. The emission reduction scenario refers to the government’s target for reducing GRG emissions. These scenarios include, among others, Solar PV, biogas fuel, implementation of one car-free day a week, use of double-sided paper and digital systems, as well as implementation of the waste bank concept in faculties. This is one of the factors that caused GRG emissions to decrease by 29 or around 13938.51 tonsCO2eq.

Evidence Link : 

Calculation of the carbon footprint of campus activities at the University of Indonesia


13.4.4 Achieve by date

Achieve by

FTUI have a target date to become carbon neutral in 2050 or later