
IPA CALL FOR PAPERS 2015 – Abstract Deadline 30 November 2014

IPA Call For Papers


Abstract Deadline
30 November, 2014

The Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Annual Conventions have highlighted the achievements and challenges of Indonesia’s oil and gas industry since 1972. The IPA Convention & Exhibition provides an important forum for exchanging knowledge and ideas through interaction among scientists, engineers, government officials, academics, and other professionals. The contributions of PSC contractors, service companies, suppliers, universities, and research institutes have been vital to the success of the Convention & Exhibition.

The IPA has published convention proceedings since its inception. The archive of over 2,600 technical papers constitutes the principal reference for the oil and gas industry in Southeast Asia. The 39th IPA Convention strives to continue this tradition with a strong Technical Program of oral and poster papers. The Proceedings Volume will be provided to all participants in CD-ROM format. Hardcopies will be available for order.

The 39th IPA Convention & Exhibition will be held in the Jakarta Convention Center 20 – 22 May 2015. The Technical Program Committee (TPC) is issuing this formal CALL FOR PAPERS to solicit potential papers and posters suitable for the Technical Program of the convention.

The TPC is committed to delivering a strong program of papers and posters to help ensure the IPA Convention & Exhibition continues to be a well-attended, prestigious event. We seek your assistance and commitment to encourage your staff to contribute to the program by preparing papers and posters. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 30 November 2014. Although short notice, we remind prospective authors that the committee evaluates the abstract to determine whether the topic will be informative and interesting to our audience. Refinement and corporate approvals can be completed during the preparation of the full manuscript as well as during the editing process that occurs after the paper is accepted.

Abstracts will be judged on technical merit, originality and interest to the audience. We are targeting approximately 275 papers from all aspects of the petroleum industry.

Authors of Professional Papers to be presented orally will be expected to provide a full written paper for publication in the Proceedings Volume. Authors of Professional papers to be presented orally or as posters can choose to provide either a full paper or an extended abstract for publication in the Proceedings Volume. Authors of Student papers and posters will be expected to provide an extended abstract for publication in the Proceedings Volume

Your continued support is critical to the success of the IPA Convention & Exhibition. Please take an active role by ensuring the widest possible exposure of this CALL FOR PAPERS within your company as well as encouraging and supporting the people in your organization to participate in this event.

The Technical Sessions Include:

Geology and Geophysics
– Case studies in established or frontier areas
– Advances in exploration technologies and evaluation techniques in geology, geophysics and petro physics
– Tectonics, stratigraphic and basin analysis studies
– Regional to reservoir scale geology and geophysics
– Unconventional resources including Coal Bed Methane

Business and Commercial
– Oil and gas commercialization
– Hydrocarbon transportation
– Business climate, fiscal and non-fiscal terms
– Revenue and production sharing models
– Evaluation and comparison of incentives

Community Development and Social Responsibility
– Roles of central and local governments
– Sustainable development
– Health, Safety and Environment
– Case Studies

Reservoir Engineering, Production Optimization, Drilling and Completions
– Reservoir characterization and simulation
– Improvements in drilling and completions
– Case studies and recent start-up projects
– Marginal field and brown field development
– EOR and arresting production decline
– New technology

Facilities Engineering and Project Management
– Facilities technology, optimization and innovation
– Facilities operations, maintenance and troubleshooting
– Project management life cycle
– Project planning, controlling, and contracting strategies
– Case studies

Abstract submission deadline: 30 November 2014
Deadline for draft manuscripts: 28 February 2015
Oral Papers – Papers presented orally will be published in the Proceedings Volume. Authors of papers presented orally are expected to provide Full Written Papers, which are typically 5,000 words or 15 pages of text, tables and figures.
Posters – Authors of posters (only) may choose to provide Full Written Papers or Extended Abstracts for publication in the Proceedings Volume. Extended Abstracts are typically 1,000 words or 4 to 6 pages of text and figures. The posters will also be published as .pdf files on the CD-ROM copy.
For further details, contact Technical Program Secretariat (e-mail:

Abstracts will be evaluated on technical merit, originality and interest to the audience. After the paper is accepted, refinement and approvals can be completed while preparing and editing the full manuscript.
Abstracts can only be submitted through on-line submission :

On-Line Submission:
Undergraduate Student

Included in the abstract form are:

  1. Title of Paper
  2. Author Names, Affiliation, Addresses, Phone number, Fax, E-mail contact
  3. Designate which Author will present the paper (presenter’s name)
  4. Indicate preference for (a) Oral), (b) Poster Presentation, (c) Either
  5. Indicate if this paper was previously presented or published; if so, when, where, and by whom?
  6. The abstract should encourage the committee to select your paper. It should point out ways that the reader can use your conclusions. The abstract should: (a) state the scope and principle objectives, (b) methods utilized, (c) summarize the results, (d) state the principal conclusions, and (e) Keywords.
  7. Abstract should be between 150 words and maximum 300 words in length and should be able to stand alone as a short version of the paper.

For more information or to obtain the abstract form, visit the website at Call For Paper 2015, email to
or call IPA at +62 (021) 515-5959 (attention Dita).

Indonesian Petroleum Association
Indonesian Stock Exchange Building
Tower II, 20th Floor (suite 2001)
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Jakarta 12190, Indonesia