

FTUI dan LPS Sepakati Perpanjangan Kontrak Dukungan untuk Kerjasama dengan University of Berkeley California

Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) dan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) menyepakati perpanjangan kontrak kerjasama yang bertujuan untuk mendukung berbagai kegiatan akademik dan penelitian di FTUI. Perpanjangan kontrak ini mencakup dukungan penuh terhadap program kerjasama visiting research antara FTUI dan University of Berkeley, California selama satu tahun ke depan. Dukungan ini disampaikan oleh Ketua Dewan Komisioner...

FTUI Perluas Kerja sama dengan Mines Nancy

Pada Senin (13/11) Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia menerima delegasi dari Mines Nancy, yang berlangsung di Ruang Senat FTUI.

Y Ventures Group Sumbangkan 100 Buku ke FTUI

Pada hari Senin (19/12), Y Ventures Group Ltd menyambangi FTUI untuk menyerahkan sumbangan 100 buku untuk FTUI.

Ahli Rekayasa Struktural Dari Universitas Indonesia Masuk Jajaran Ilmuwan Muda Indonesia 2022

Dosen Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia (FTUI), Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Nuraziz Handika S.T., M.T. M.Sc., terpilih menjadi salah seorang ilmuwan yang terlibat dalam Kongres Ilmuwan Muda Indonesia 2022 (KIMI).

Ernst Mach-Grant – ASEA-UNINET

Ernst Mach-Grant – ASEA-UNINET scholarships for the academic year 2022/2023 is open now with application deadline 1st March 2022.

McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellowships Program

  The Secretariat is delighted to announce that the University of Melbourne (UoM), Australia, is officially accepting applications for the 2021 McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellowships Program. Applicants are encouraged to submit a 3-year research plan in their fields of expertise. Besides, an applicant must find a suitable mentor /supervisor at UoM. For more information, please access...

International online school and cooperation proposal with Samara University

International online school and cooperation proposal with Samara University Dear colleagues, We hope our email finds you well. We, Samara National Research University and the International School Department, are glad to offer an Online Summer School 2021 proposal to your university. Our team have a mission of intercultural exchange development, relevant knowledge and friendship. We...

Introducing FIRST @ IIT Hyderabad, PhD Fellowship for International Research Scholars in Technology

IIT Hyderabad is one among the 2nd generation of IITs started by the Govt. of India. Today IITH offers 11 B.Tech programs, 1 B.Des Program, 3 M.Sc programs, 18 M.Tech programs, 1 M.Des program, 1 MA Program and 15 Ph.D. programs in all branches of engineering, science, liberal arts and design. The very foundation of...

Online Summer Schools Of Samara University

Invitation To Online Summer Schools Of Samara University Samara National Research University is pleased to announce online summer schools 2021 and welcome your students to short-term educational programs. We provide an intensive academic course with bright cultural and social programs. Participants will be engaged in fascinating online classes, seminars and workshops. E-visits to laboratories and museums are on...
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