
Implementation of SDGs 11 at FTUI

11.2 Support of arts and heritage

11.2.1 Public access to buildings

Provide public access to buildings and/or monuments or natural heritage landscapes of cultural significance


11.2.2 Public access to libraries

Provide public access to libraries including books and publications

FTUI provides public access to the library including books and publications for free after registering as a member.

Evidence Link : 

UI Library


11.2.3 Public access to museums

Provide public access to museums, exhibition spaces or galleries, or works of art and artefacts

The Innovation Work Exhibition of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia is a forum for displaying FTUI’s superior products. This exhibition was held at the I-Cell Building, 2nd Floor, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia. This exhibition can also be viewed virtually via the following link: FTUI Virtual Exhibition and videos of innovation products can be viewed at the following link: FTUI Innovation Research Results. This exhibition of FTUI’s innovative work is a motivation for the FTUI Academic Community to always contribute and produce work to continue to provide benefits in life. FTUI’s innovative products can be downstream and can be commercialized by industry so that they can be applied in Indonesian and international society.

Evidence Link : 

Innovation Work Exhibition of the Faculty of Engineering


11.2.4 Public access to green spaces

Provide free public access to open spaces and green spaces

11.2.5 Arts and heritage contribution

Contribute to local arts, in terms of number of annual public performances of university choirs, theatre groups, orchestras etc… either ad-hoc or as part of an ongoing programme


11.2.6 Record and preserve cultural heritage

Deliver projects to record and preserve intangible cultural heritage such as local folklore, traditions, language, and knowledge. This can include the heritage of displaced communities.

Ekskursi Arsitektur UI is an annual event of the FTUI Architecture Department which preserves Indonesia’s cultural heritage through various activities such as exhibitions, film screenings, book reviews, workshops, competitions, and visits to areas that have vernacular architecture. In 2022, the Ekskursi Arsitektur UI will hold a series of events with the theme “Wong Sikep”. “Wong Sikep” itself is a settlement located in Japanese Hamlet, Bojonegoro, East Java and Karang Pace Hamlet, Blora, Central Java. Wong Sikep is the heir to the Samin teachings who is still alive and practicing them to this day. The series of events consisted of the External Exhibition “Sedulur Membumi, Selaras Tergapai”, screening of the film “Sedulur Serasa Prasaja” which is the result of documenting the vernacular architecture of the Samin Tribe, workshops and expeditions.

Evidence Link : 

  1. Instagram Ekskursi Arsitektur UI
  2. Youtube Ekskursi Arsitektur UI
  3. Exhibition Ekskursi Arsitektur UI
  4. Bedah Film Ekskursi Arsitektur UI

11.3 Expenditure on arts and heritage

Expenditure should not include money spent on purely academic research activities.

11.3.1 Arts and heritage expenditure

University expenditure: 159231126845

University expenditure on arts and heritage: 0

11.4 Sustainable practices

11.4.1 Sustainable practices targets

Measure and set targets for more sustainable commuting (walking, cycling or other non-motorized transport, vanpools, carpools, shuttlebus or public transportation, motorcycle, scooter or moped, or electric vehicles)

FTUI has facilities in the form of electric bicycles, electric cars, yellow buses and pedestrian paths to support sustainable commuting targets. FTUI transportation facilities can be seen in sustainability report 2022 FTUI (page 88-90).

Evidence Link : 

FTUI Sustainability Report 2022


11.4.2 Promote sustainable commuting

Undertake actions to promote more sustainable commuting


11.4.3 Allow remote working

Promote or allow telecommuting or remote working for employees as a matter of policy or standard practice, or offer a condensed working week to reduce employee commuting

FTUI has a remote work policy for employees as stated in SE-1365/UN2.R/SDM.03.00/2022 concerning Adjustments to Work Systems During the Implementation of Level 1 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) During the Covid-19 Pandemic at the University of Indonesia.

Evidence Link : 

SK Rektor PPKM


11.4.4 Affordable housing for employees

Provide affordable housing for employees


11.4.5 Affordable housing for students

Provide affordable housing for students

Provide housing:

Provide financial aid:

FTUI provides affordable housing for students, namely the UI Dormitory. Room prices are very affordable for students starting from IDR 300,000 per month.

Evidence Link : 

  1. General UI Dormitory Guide
  2. Instagram UI Dormitory


11.4.6 Pedestrian priority on campus

Prioritise pedestrian access on campus

FTUI has a support policy for pedestrians and people with disabilities to prioritize pedestrian access on campus. All these facilities are in the Sustainability Report 2022 FTUI (page 92-93)

Evidence Link : 

FTUI Sustainability Report 2022


11.4.7 Local authority collaboration regarding planning and development

Work with local authorities to address planning issues and development, including ensuring that local residents are able to access affordable housing


11.4.8 Planning development – new build standards

Build new buildings to sustainable standards.

The evidence needs to show that these standards have been used in building and development by at least 2021.

This could be in the form of policies and practices that the university choses to adhere to, or from evidence of prior development.

FTUI built a new building, namely the Interdisciplinary Engineering Building (IDE) for Scientific Development and Interdisciplinary Engineering Innovation Research. The building applies a green building concept that is efficient in the use of energy, air, lighting and air circulation. The application of this green building concept will be realized by using building materials that are partly derived from recycled materials and certified environmentally friendly wood. This building features water harvesting technology, solar cell panels, and waste processing in accordance with the zero waste policy. This building also implements green recovery of 45% of the ground floor area of 355.90 m2 which will be used as a garden and plaza.

Evidence Link : 

FTUI Builds a new Green Building, namely the IDE Building


11.4.9 Building on brownfield sites

Build on brownfield sites, where possible

The evidence needs to show that these standards have been used in building and development by at least 2021.