
Implementation of SDGs 16 at FTUI

16.2 University governance measures

16.2.1 Elected representation

Have elected representation on the university’s highest governing body from: students (both undergraduate and graduate), faculty, and staff (non-faculty employees)

Faculty of Engineering has representative in highest governing bodies, including:

  1. Prof. Dedi Priadi, Vice Rector for Human Resources, Cooperation and Asset
  2. Prof. Rinaldy Dalimi, member of Universitas Indonesia’s Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees (MWA) is the highest organ at the University of Indonesia (UI) which carries out normative functions in the non-academic field representing the Government, Society and UI to determine general policies, supervise and evaluate UI management including financial health conditions.

Evidence Link : 

  1. MWA Team
  2. Leader of University


16.2.2 Students’ union

Recognise an independent students’ union

Faculty of Engineering recognizes the independencies of students’ union (BEM FTUI) dan give regular supports for its development

The Faculty of Engineering recognizes the interdependencies of the students union (BEM FTUI) and gives regular support for its development. Some of the activities they carry out are providing governance input to the university, providing support for students and providing social activities. During 2022, they have carried out many activities related to these three things, including providing governance input to the Faculty or FTUI Dean on various occasions, such as providing input on faculty governance at the 2022 Kantek Socialization and holding Learning Evaluation Hearing Meetings for the 2021/2022 Semester with Education Manager Dr. Nyoman Suwartha, S.T., M.T., M. Agr. Apart from that, BEM FTUI is also active in providing support to students such as assistance with English language test fees for IISMA UI 2022 scholarship applicants, a Mentoring Series for students with the theme “How to Plan Your Future Career”, and the creation of a complaint service regarding UI student education fees for the semester odd 2022. Not only active in the campus environment, BEM FTUI is also active in carrying out social activities outside campus during 2022 such as visits to orphanages for children with special needs, distribution of Takjil by Sosmalingnet FTUI, KERSOS or Social Service which is a work program that aims to be a forum for FTUI students to be able to serve the community, apart from that, BEM FTUI Sosling also held turtle release activities and opened donations for turtle conservation.

Evidence Link : 

  1. Instagram BEM FTUI
  2. Socialization of the opening Kantek FTUI
  3. Learning Evaluation Hearing for Even Semester 2021/2022
  4. English language test fee assistance for IISMA UI 2022 scholarship applicants
  5. Mentoring Series: How to Plan Your Future Career
  6. Complaint Service for Odd Semester 2022 Tuition Fee Problems
  7. Visit to an orphanage for children with special needs
  8. Distribution of Takjil by Sosmalingnet FTUI
  9. Held turtle release activities and opened donations for turtle conservation


16.2.3 Identify and engage with local stakeholders

Have written policies and procedures to identify local stakeholders external to the university and engage with them


16.2.4 Participatory bodies for stakeholder engagement

Have an existence of participatory bodies to recognize and engage local stakeholders, including local residents, local government, local private, local civil society representatives


16.2.5 University principles on corruption and bribery

Publish the university’s principles and commitments on organized crime, corruption & bribery

FTUI implements an Integrity Zone Area in the faculty environment to create anti-corruption bureaucratic governance and culture as well as professional and integrity human resources. Apart from that, FTUI also formed an Integrity Zone Team in order to move towards a Corruption Free Area (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM). In order to achieve WBK and WBBM, FTUI also provides a means of reporting gratification which can be accessed at the link, for lecturers and educational staff who are given gifts in the form of (money, goods, gifts, etc.) from partners or other parties can report directly to the Integrity Zone team.

Evidence Link : 

  1. Prepare an Integrity Zone, FTUI Comparative Study to FKM UI
  2. Report Gratifications to Realize the FTUI Integrity Zone


16.2.6 Academic freedom policy

Have a policy on supporting academic freedom (freedom to choose areas of research and to speak and teach publicly about the area of their research). Academic freedom is at the heart of the Academy. Here we are looking to ensure that academic freedom covers both teaching and research, and that it applies equally to junior as well as senior (for example Tenured) academics.


16.2.7 Publish financial data

Publish university financial data

16.3 Working with government

16.3.1 Provide expert advice to government

Provide specific expert advice to local, regional or national government (for example through policy guidance, participation in committees, provision of evidence)

The Faculty of Engineering has a long record in supporting government bodies. Such example is Committee II DPD RI in collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia held a Seminar on Validity Testing of Draft Laws (RUU) concerning Amendments to Law Number 30 of 2007 concerning Energy on 30 May 2022.

Evidence Link : 

DPD RI Holds Validity Test at FTUI


16.3.2 Policy- and lawmakers outreach and education

Provide outreach, general education, upskilling and capacity-building to policy and lawmakers on relevant topics including economics, law, technology, migration and displacement, and climate change

The Faculty of Engineering has a long record in supporting government bodies. Such example is one of the lecturer provide beneficial information for Study of Food Loss and Waste in Indonesia, held by BAPPENAS


16.3.3 Participation in government research

Undertake policy-focused research in collaboration with government departments

The UI community service team led by FTUI lecturer, Dr. Cindy Rianti Priadi, S.T., M.Si. conducting research on Urban Sanitation Resilient to Climate Change in Banjarmasin. This research involved decision makers in the Banjarmasin regional government such as Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD), such as the PUPR service, the Environmental Service, the local Perumda PAL.

Evidence Link : 

FTUI Lecturers Research Urban Sanitation Resilient to Climate Change


16.3.4 Neutral platform to discuss issues

Provide a neutral platform and ‘safe’ space for different political stakeholders to come together to frankly discuss challenges

16.4 Proportion of graduates in law and civil enforcement

16.4.1 Proportion of graduates in law

Number of graduates: 1872

Number of total graduates from law and enforcement related courses: 0