
Designing a Co-Working Space for Persons with Disabilities, FTUI Students Win Warmadewa Architecture Week 2022 Winners.

Three students from the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (DA FTUI) class of 2019 won Favorite Champion in the Warmadewa Architecture Week 2022 event: Architecture Design Competition 2022. This competition is a national competition organized by the Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Engineering and Planning, Warmadewa University. The three students namely, Annasya Koesty Fadhillah, Gina Khairunnisa, and Muhammad Rafli. Supervised by FTUI DA Lecturer, namely Ir. Evawani Ellisa, M.Eng., Ph.D., Baiq Lisa Wahyulina, S.T., M.Ars., IAI., and Aulia Urrohmah, S.Ars.

Annasya and the team brought a project called This-Able: Co-Working Space for Disabled People. This project brings ideas and concepts to provide facility designs as a place to work, namely Co-Working Space for anyone, including people who experience limitations.

“This-Able is a place that can be a place where you want to meet people even though these people have limitations. For example, people in wheelchairs, people with hearing impairments, and people with visual impairments. The interesting aspects of this design are we try to bring people together in a way that can help them develop new ideas together,” said Annasya.

Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU expressed his appreciation and hope for the achievements of DA FTUI students. “Congratulations on the achievements of students from the Department of Architecture. Architectural designs that are friendly to friends with disabilities are a concrete form that FTUI students are students who can make an impact on their surroundings. Hopefully, this design can continue to develop, and in the future, it will be utilized for the community.”


Bureau of Public Communications
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia