
Other Faculties Comparative Studies on FTUI Smart Class Room and HR Method

At the beginning of 2022, the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia received a visit from two faculties within the University of Indonesia. The two faculties are the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (17/01) and the UI Faculty of Administrative Sciences (19/01). The two faculties visited FTUI to conduct comparative studies regarding facilities and lecture rooms prepared for hybrid learning or blended learning as well as comparative studies related to the FTUI Human Resources (HR) system.

The FISIP UI delegation was led directly by the elected Dean for the 2021-2025 period, Prof. Dr. Semiarto Aji Purwanto. He was accompanied by Dr. Jajang Gunawijaya, Deputy Director of Resources, Venture and General Administration and Dadang Sudiadi, M.Sc., Manager of Operations and Facility Maintenance. The group was received by the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU, Deputy Dean for Resources, Ventures and General Administration, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mahmud Sudibandriyo, M.Sc., Ph.D., General Manager and Facilities for the period 2018-2022, Dr. Dwi Martha Nurjaya, ST., MT., and Manager of Human Resources and Facilities for the period 2022-2026, Dr. Ajib Setyo Arifin, S.T., M.T.

During the visit, the team from FISIP UI made a direct visit to the Smart Class Room facility owned by FTUI. “Here we have 2 types of smart classrooms, there is an interactive flat panel and an interactive projector. With the smart classroom, classes can be held in a hybrid manner and make it easier for lecturers as student facilitators to learn,” said Dean Heri.

The delegation from FIA UI was led by the Deputy Dean for Resources, Ventures and General Administration, Dr. Milla Sepliana Setyowati, S.Sos., M.Ak. Dr. Milla was accompanied by Indriani, SE, M.A., General Manager, Imas Cempaka Mulia, SIA, MA., Human Resources Coordinator, Finance Coordinator, Muhammad Fadlan Amaruddin, SE., and Muhammad Faris, SIA, Finance Staff. The delegation from FIA UI was received by the Vice Dean for Resources, Ventures and General Administration of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mahmud Sudibandriyo, M.Sc., Ph.D., Manager of Human Resources and General Administration for the period 2018-2022, Jos Istiyanto, Ph.D., Manager of Human Resources and Facilities for the period 2022-2026, and staff in Finance and HR .

Some of the things discussed during the visit included, Management of lecturer fees at FT, Process flow for promotion & lecturer positions referring to PP 75 of 2021 concerning UI statutes, FT strategies and methods so that the burden of lecturer performance is almost 100% fulfilled (eligilble), and discussion regarding the latest SKP 2021 format.

Public Communication Bureau
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia