
Sharing Session Emeritus Institute FTUI

Emeritus Institute UI, a media for brainstorming for retired professors of FTUI, once again held a Sharing Session. Sharing Session Emeritus Institute FTUI was held on June 8, 2016  at Indosat Room, Dean’s Building  FTUI.

The sharing session discussed  the plan to revive the GBHN with speakers from the civitas academica FTUI such as senior politician, Dr. Ir. Akbar Tanjung; former Governor of Lemhanas, Prof. Budi Susilo Soepandji. Also present in the sharing session is the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dedi Priadi, DEA; Head of the Emeritus Institute FTUI, Prof. Djoko Hartanto; and several professors from FTUI and UI such as: Prof. Budiarso, M.Eng; Prof. Bagio Budiardjo, M.Sc, Prof. Riri Fitri Sari, M.Sc., MM, Prof. Dr. Rio Sofwanhadi, PAK (K), Prof. Dr. Abdullah Dahana, Ir. Igig Soemardikatmodjo, Ir. Soehari Sargo, Didi Sunarwinadi, and other participants.

In this Sharing Session, the discourse in reviving the GBHN is necessary, there are two options put forward include: the GBHN will be revived consequencing in the return of MPR as the highest institution of the State and the secod option is the formulation to RPJP (Long Term Development Plan) with a Law. The first option is considered more difficult because it would get a lot of rejection. Sharing session on the guidelines will be re-implemented by inviting more speakers and experts.

FTUI Emeritus Institute was formed to help in realizing the UI Leaders Excellence in Research Process; to assist the UI management so that the FTUI academic community can have the Competence in the Application of Research and Professional Services as well as to assist the UI management  in realizing the Information Center for Research, which has a link and access to the global network to the source of Science and Technology in the whole world for the interests of teaching, education, research and application.

Emeritus Institute FTUI will discuss several things including issues of environmental management and garbage management at the Universitas Indonesia, the preservation of the value of heroism/independence, preservation of the historical development of the Universitas Indonesia, the stability of the availability of 9 basic commodities as the duties and responsibilities of the president, and so on. In addition FTUI Emeritus Institute also provided input to the management of UI on several things including academic quality improvement, increase in the number of professors, preservation and developing a UI environment, curriculum development, and many more. FTUI Emeritus Institute will be developed not only at the Faculty level  but also to the university level. (PR Office FTUI)