October 15, 2015


Workshop Of Sustainable Energy For All

WORKSHOP OF SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FORALL <http://na.its.ac.id/news.php?extend.30.1> Event Start       : 30 November 2015 Event Ends       : 2 December 2015 Registration Closes on Friday, 30 October 2015 Location            : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya Workshop fee   : Free of Charge *In attending the workshop,  participant will get...

Chevening Scholarship: The Prestigious Global Scholarship Program of the UK Government

The UK Government once more offered the chance for Indonesia’s brightest to apply for the 2016/2017 Chevening Scholarship Program. This scholarships are the UK government’s global scholarship program, funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and partner organizations. The scholarships offer the opportunity to study for a one-year Master’s degree at any UK’s leading...

APDeC Colloquium and Workshop – UNPAR

Industrial Engineering UNPAR presents:  ASIA PACIFIC DESIGN CHALLENGE (APDeC) COLLOQUIUM 2015 Date : 4 November 2015 Location: Sheraton Bandung Hotel, Indonesia Theme: Design for Well-Being Keynote Speech : Dr. Patrick Jordan (Patrick W.Jordan Ltd., United Kingdom) Prof. Ellen Yi-Luen Do (Keio-NUS CUTE CENTER, Singapore) Markus Hartono, Ph.D (University of Surabaya, Indonesia) Dr. Johanna Hariandja (Universitas Katolik...