Himpunan Mahasiswa Sipil Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta proudly present “Innovation of High Strength Green Concrete Competition 2016″as the part of our big event Civil Engineering Days 2016 Registration of Innovation of High Strength Green Concrete Competition 2016 or “Lomba Beton Ramah Lingkungan tingkat Nasional ” will be open from February 1st until February 20th 2016....
———————————————————————————————————- ADVANCED COURSE IN MATERIALS, TECHNIQUES AND DESIGN APPROACHES FOR THE STRUCTURAL STRENGTHENING 13 – 24 June 2016, University of Minho, Portugal ———————————————————————————————————- We invite you to meet our new Advanced Course in Materials, Techniques and Design Approaches for the Structural Strengthening at http://sc.civil.uminho.pt/strengtheningtechniques MOTIVATION This advanced course aims to provide a solid formation on...