May 29, 2024


Enhancing the Scientific Climate in Engineering, FTUI Hosts OIM FTUI 2024

On Tuesday (14/05), FTUI held the Written Futuristic Ideas presentation as part of the competition in the FTUI Student Scientific Olympiad (OIM). This year, OIM FTUI 2024 is themed “Medieval Era” with the slogan #UnravelTheTruth, symbolizing the adventure to discover and reveal the truth. The overarching theme of the event is “Creating a Better Future...

FTUI and LPS Agree to Extend Support Contract for Collaboration with the University of Berkeley California

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) and the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) have agreed to extend their cooperation contract to support various academic and research activities at FTUI. This contract extension includes full support for the upcoming year’s visiting research collaboration program between FTUI and the University of Berkeley, California. This support was...