June 11, 2024


FTUI Doctor Reconciles Actual-Virtual in Multispatial Architecture Practice

Bramasta Putra Redyantanu, a doctoral student in the Architecture Doctoral Program at FTUI, has explored the reconciliation of actual-virtual connections in spatial architecture practice. This research is presented in his dissertation titled “Reconciliation of Actual-Virtual in Multispatial Architecture Practice.” Dr. Bramasta’s doctoral promotion was held on May 22, 2024. Dr. Bramasta stated, “The findings of...

FTUI Doctoral Student Develops Innovative Solanesol Extraction from Tobacco Leaves for Health Benefits

Tobacco usage has long been prevalent in the cigarette industry, generating significant economic benefits for the Indonesian government. However, the large-scale tobacco industry also poses health problems and leaves behind substantial tobacco waste, harmful to the environment. Edwin Rizki Safitra, a doctoral student in Chemical Engineering at FTUI, has developed solanesol compounds from tobacco for...