On Friday (22/09), the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) once again held the Oath of Professional Engineers. The event, which took place in Makara 04 Smart Meeting Room FTUI, was attended by 55 new graduates of the FTUI Professional Engineer Program (PS-PPI).
“Today, we are very proud to see 55 out of 219 engineer graduates attending the professional engineer oath ceremony. Through the Professional Engineer Program, which includes regular for 1 year and RPL for 6 months, we hope that graduates will not only become professional engineers but also be able to build a strong professional network. This is certainly an opportunity and benefits for graduates to expand mobility horizontally and vertically,” said Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU, Dean of FTUI in his speech.
Bambang Goeritno, M.Sc., MPA, IPU, Secretary General of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) highlighted the importance of this event as a momentum for graduates to pledge themselves to take up the profession as engineers. “Engineers have a central role in the country’s development, especially in developing countries. This can be seen from data from financial institutions stating that Indonesia has succeeded in achieving the status of an upper middle-income country, one of which is thanks to the downstreaming of natural resources.”
The event continued with the signing ceremony of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between PS-PPI FTUI and PII West Java region and the inauguration of the PII West Java office in the Engineering Center FTUI building. Then Prof. Dr. Fitri Yuli Zulkifli, S.T., M.Sc., IPU as the head of the PS-PPI study program read the graduation report of PS-PPI FTUI. Of the two programs provided by PS-PPI FTUI, 160 engineers graduated through the regular route and 59 people graduated through the Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) route.
Furthermore, Prof. Yuli said that of the 55 participants present, 18 of them graduated Summa Cum Laude, 17 graduated Cum Laude, 19 graduated Highly Satisfactory, and 1 graduated Satisfactory.
The procession of medals and project helmets was carried out symbolically to two representatives of PS-PPI graduates, namely Ir. Margono, S.T. and Ir. Zulaikha Puspita Arum, S.T.. The medals were given by Prof. Dr. Ir. Yanuar, M.Eng., M.Sc., as Vice Dean for Education, Research and Student Affairs of FTUI and Prof. Dr. Ir. Widodo Wahyu Purwanto, DEA, as Head of the Engineering Interdisciplinary Education and Research Unit. While the wearing of the project helmet was carried out by Ir. Bambang Goeritno Soekamto and Mr. Muhammad Erpandi Dalimunthe, S.T., M.T., MKKK, IPM, as Chairman of PII West Java Region.
After the procession of medals and project helmets was completed, participants simultaneously recited the engineer’s oath under the direction of Ir. Bambang Goeritno Soekamto. The event ended with a group photo of all participants of the Professional Engineer Oath Taking.
Public Communication Bureau
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia