
Teknik Hore 2023: Bringing the Spirit of Collaboration and New Development

As one of the series of the 59th Anniversary of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI), the FTUI Alumni Association (ILUNI FTUI) held a grand reunion “Teknik Hore” on Saturday, 14 October 2023. The event was attended by hundreds of FTUI alumni from various generations. Located in the Rotunda FTUI, the alumni gathered on the Teknik Hore stage which became the centre of attention in the main event series. The Teknik Hore stage was enlivened by various interesting performances and offerings, including Dancing Engineer, Singing Engineer, Kandos Band, and Pillow Band. In addition, Teknik Hore was also enlivened with flashmob, fun game sessions, and attractive door prizes.

“We hope that Teknik Hore can be a forum for alumni to share memories with old friends, re-establish ties, and work together to make a meaningful contribution to FTUI,” said Nanang Sugianto, in his speech as Chairman of ILUNI FTUI.

In his speech, the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU, explained the latest developments at FTUI. “Since 2022, FTUI has been actively establishing international cooperation with renowned universities to improve the quality of education at FTUI. This cooperation started with UC Berkeley and is now being expanded to other countries, one of which is the United Kingdom (UK).”

Furthermore, he explained that this year FTUI is also starting the construction of the Interdisciplinary Engineering (IDE) building, which will be the supporting infrastructure for interdisciplinary education and research at FTUI. The building will house three new institutes: the Institute for Biosystems and Bioengineering (IBB), the Institute for Energy Studies (IES), and the Institute for Urban Planning and Smart Cities (IUS).

The series of events then continued with the dean’s awarding of 22 prominent alumni, the procession of anti-pollutant plants from Engineering Plant Lover (EPL) to the Dean of FTUI, and the distribution of personal competition medals and group competition trophies at the ILUNI FTUI CUP competition which was held last September-October.

Teknik Hore also featured a presentation from Jelajah Putri, a space that highlights the achievements of women in the workforce. The hope is to inspire women in Indonesia to be more confident and empowered in their environment. In addition, Yayasan Mata Air Biru (MAB), a foundation founded by FTUI alumni who care about Indonesia’s young generation, also presented its scholarship programme. MAB is committed to helping young people who excel but have financial limitations to continue their education to a higher level.

The event was also attended by Didit Ratam, Chairman of ILUNI UI, and Teten Derichard, Chairman of the Advisory Board of ILUNI FTUI. The Hooray Engineering Stage, like the atmosphere of the event, became a place full of memories for FTUI alumni. This moment was also a place for them to express their longing for the times when they were students at FTUI.


Bureau of Public Communication
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia