
Socialisation of FTUI Performance Contract Filling (KOKIN) through WEbApp UPMA

To realise the goals of a superior and globally competitive engineering education institution, the achievement of strategic planning is needed, so a performance assessment system in the form of a Performance Contract (KOKIN) is needed as part of the performance management system within the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia. The Performance Contract contains a statement of intent, Strategy Map, employee work targets, trajectory of Key Performance Indicators (IKU-red) and Strategic Initiatives.

On Wednesday (16/10), the Academic Quality Assurance Unit of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (UPMA FTUI) held a socialisation of Performance Contract Filling through the UPMA WebApp in the Senate Meeting Room, FTUI Deanery Building, which was attended by the UPMA Team and all Faculty Managers and Heads of FTUI Departments.

In this activity, the UPMA team socialised the UPMA WebApp, namely http://kokin.eng.ui.ac.id/. This WebApp was created to make it easier to fill in the TW I-IV Performance Contract, especially in TW III which is currently running, and also makes it easier for the UPMA team to check the inputted achievement data. From the results of the input of achievement data can see the progress that has been achieved both from all Faculty Managers and Heads of FTUI Departments.

“This WebApp is our effort to improve the KOKIN entry system, we hope it will make it easier for you to see the achievement of KOKIN, whether it has met the target or not. So that if some have not met the achievement target, it will be easier to make achievement strategies,” said Prof. Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc., Head of UPMA FTUI.

Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU said, “We understand that technology is the key to progress and efficiency in the university management environment. With this activity, we provide an innovative and practical tool to the faculty and department management. This web app will make it easier and faster to fill in KOKIN, allowing us to focus more on the results and impact we want to achieve.”

It is hoped that this socialisation will help Faculty and Department Leaders prepare performance contracts so that the implementation of Performance Management within FTUI in 2023 can be more measurable, and more effective in encouraging sustainable improvement in employee and organisational performance.


Bureau of Public Communication
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia