
Looking to the Future: Andrisyah Tauladan’s Tips for FTUI Students After Graduation

After completing their college journey, every student brings unique dreams and plans to continue their lives. This was conveyed by Andrisyah Tauladan, President Director of PT Desain Ragam Inspirasi Studio at the KATALIS IKM FTUI 2023 event held at Balairung Universitas Indonesia (4/11).

In the talk show session, Andrisyah Tauladan gave valuable advice to students to not only focus on salary or income but also consider where they will work and what they will do. For him, the skills he has can determine a bright future.

In front of the 500 FTUI freshmen class of 2023, Andrisyah revealed several promising fields of work, especially in the world of engineering. “Software Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering are some of them. On the business side, the medical business is a promising option, which is in line with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said the 2003 FTUI Civil Engineering alumni.

One of the interesting moments in this talk show was the challenge posed by Andrisyah to students to convince themselves to become investors in their business plans. Salsabila, an Industrial Engineering student class of 2023, managed to convince Andrisyah to become an investor for her warteg business, winning an award in the form of a jacket.

At the KATALIS IKM FTUI 2023 event, in addition to material sessions from guest speakers, there were several other sessions held. Among them, was a mentoring session, where students were given material by mentors from BEM FTUI who were divided into 100 discussion groups. Then there was a presentation from Mr. Sahlan regarding the Innovation Entrepreneurship Unit. A presentation from Prasandhya Astagiri Yusuf, Ph.D about the UI DISTP Business Incubator. And also, presentations from the founders of several start-up companies, namely TryoutX, Micon, LeadUp, and PrintBox.

The Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, S.T. M.Eng., IPU, hopes that FTUI students can develop an entrepreneurial spirit after participating in this activity. “Faculty of Engineering UI has a long experience in producing the best graduates. I hope that after going through this activity process, the new students can have an entrepreneurial spirit, wherever they work later. The hope is that this event will spark the growth of entrepreneurial spirit among FTUI students, creating graduates who are not only qualified but also have an entrepreneurial spirit.”

In addition to Andrisyah, other speakers also filled the event, namely the Director of Operations and Safety of PT Transportasi Jakarta, Daud Joseph. At this event also attended the Manager of Student Affairs of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Dr.rer.pol. Romadhani Ardi, S.T., M.T., Head of the Innovation and Reverse Engineering Entrepreneurship Unit, Dr. Muhammad Sahlan, S.I., M.Eng., Secretary of the Innovation and Reverse Engineering Entrepreneurship Unit, Dr. Imam Jauhari Maknun, S.T., M.T., M. Sc., Manager of Public Communication and General Administration, Tikka Anggraeni, M.Sc., and Head of the UI DISTP Business Incubator Unit, Prasandhya Astagiri Yusuf, Ph.D..


Bureau of Public Communication
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia