
Thanks to Commitment to Realize Integrity Zone, FTUI Receives UI Zona Integritas Award 2023

The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Indonesia (FTUI) won two awards at the University of Indonesia Zona Integritas Award 2023. The award announcement was held on Friday (3/11) at the Mochtar Riady Auditorium FISIP UI. The ZI UI Award 2023 was opened by Dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D., Secretary of Universitas Indonesia.

“This activity is held to support the spirit and appreciates the development and implementation of the Integrity Zone within the University of Indonesia so that faculties and work units can be motivated to carry out the development of integrity zones and can provide excellent service,” said Dr. Agustin in her speech.

FTUI managed to bring home two awards in the UI ZI Award 2023, namely the 4th Best Integrity Zone Ranking in the UI environment and the 2nd Best Integrity Zone PIC achieved by Aisha Rachman from the FTUI Documentation Center.

“FTUI is always committed and strives to present structuring and work accountability systems and excellent service. This award illustrates the results of quality service performance and integrity that have been implemented by FTUI. In the future, we will continue to improve and enhance services, so that students and the community can continue to receive excellent and optimal services,” said Tikka Anggraeni, FTUI Public Communication and General Administration Manager.

On a separate occasion, the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU, said, “This award is the best achievement for our efforts to realize good faculty governance to support good university governance. In addition, it is also a good momentum to continue to improve and improve performance in presenting excellent governance and services that uphold integrity.”

In addition to the awarding of the UI ZI Award 2023, the event also held a joint discussion session with the title “Digital Transformation and Integrity Zones in Higher Education and the Public Sector: Opportunities and Challenges”. The speakers were Andi Widjajanto, Governor of the National Resilience Institute, Dr. Pahala Nainggolan, Deputy for Prevention, Corruption Eradication Commission, Ir. Mochamad Hadiya, M.Eng., Expert Staff of the Minister for Technology at the Ministry of Communication and Information, and M. Ali Akbar, S.E., M.BA, RB Team Coordinator, Secretariat General of the Directorate General of Higher Education.

UI ZI Award 2023 is an event organized by Universitas Indonesia and participated by all faculties and schools within UI. This award aims to improve bureaucratic reform at the university level to create an Integrity Zone Towards a Region Free from Corruption (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Region (WBBM).


Public Communication Office
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia