On Wednesday, November 15, 2023, the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI) held a ceremony to sign the Seed Funding Grant Contract for FTUI Professors and Associate Professors for 2023/2024 in the Smart Meeting Room, FTUI Dean Building. This event aims to encourage engagement activities by FTUI Professors and Head lecturers in the fields of education, research, and community service.
“As the name of this program is Seed Grant, it is hoped that FTUI researchers can spread the seeds of research cooperation with domestic and foreign partners. This year FTUI opened 5 grant schemes, one of which is the reverse engineering scheme, where now we do not need to research from scratch but look for development opportunities from existing research by their respective fields of expertise,” said Prof. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU, Dean of FTUI, in his speech.
In this year’s Seed Funding, each proposer is asked to choose one available grant scheme by their field of expertise and competence. The schemes are the Research Grant Scheme, Community Service Grant Scheme, Reverse Engineering Grant Scheme, Cooperation Incentive Scheme, and Education Incentive Scheme.
After going through the review process, 34 Professors and 21 Head lecturers were selected as recipients of the 2023/2024 seed funding grants. Of the total 55 proposals to be funded, 48 proposals are related to the Research Grant scheme, 2 proposals for Community Service Grants, 2 proposals for Reverse Engineering Grants, and 3 proposals for Cooperation Incentives.
FTUI hopes that the existence of the 2023/2024 Professor and Head Lecturer Seed Funding Grant can encourage FTUI researchers to continue to produce work that has a positive impact on the tridharma of higher education. So that FTUI can always be a driving force for research excellence at the national and international levels.
Public Communication Office
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia