
DTM FTUI Students Show Product Innovation in the 2023 Mechanical Student Creativity Competition

On Wednesday, 29 November 2023, the Department of Mechanical Engineering (DTM), Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI) held the 2023 Mechanical Student Creativity Competition in the Lobby of Building K FTUI. This annual event is an exhibition of DTM FTUI students’ innovations, where the results of their work in the Design Assignment course are displayed publicly.

The participants of this year’s activity were DTM FTUI students of the class of 2020 who were divided into 30 groups. The exhibition and competition were attended by the Secretary of DTM FTUI, Dr.-Ing. Mohammad Adhitya, S.T., M.Sc., and the Lecturer Team Coordinator, Dr. Eng. Radon Dhelika, B.Eng., M.Eng., and several other lecturers. In addition, several practitioners from various industrial sectors were also present as panellists in this activity. The main purpose of this activity is to provide direct experience to students in introducing the products they have designed.

“Many things can be learned from this activity, from teamwork to how a manufacturing process flow can run well. In this case, we designed a Pet Travel Crate product, which does not yet exist in Indonesia and has a Crashworthiness function, which is the ability of a structure to protect the animal inside in the event of a collision,” said Alvian, a DTM FTUI student class of 2020 who participated.

Of the 30 products designed by the participating teams, the 5 best products were selected and judged by a team of FTUI lecturers. These products were Shuttlemate, Ecoflow Tap, Harvesting Quadcopter Drone with Toroidal Propeller, Electric Go Kart Stand, and Dental Chair for wheelchair users. The five groups were under the guidance of Dr Ahmad Syihan Auzani, S.T., M.T., Prof. Dr Ir Gandjar Kiswanto, M.Eng., Dr Ir Ahmad Indra Siswantara, the late Prof. Dr Ir Bambang Sugiarto, M.Eng., and Sugeng Supriadi, S.T., M.S.Eng., Ph.D..

Responding to this activity, the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST, M.Eng., IPU, said, “Activities like this play an important role in honing student skills and providing a platform for innovation in the field of mechanical engineering. Students are also freed to show their potential in designing creative and globally competitive technological solutions.”


Public Communication Office
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia