To increase the interest of students and lecturers in the field of science and technology development , the University of Indonesia Ubudiyah UUI ) will organize the 2nd International Innovation I + ACEH 2016 (International Art Creativity & Engineering Exhibition).
This activity has been recognized by the world organization World Invention Intellectual Property Association (WIPA). This year, these activities are divided into four (4 ) categories of the competition: Telco, BioTech, Environment, Technology. And will be held on:
Day / Date : Wednesday, July 20 – Thursday, July 21, 2016
Place : University of Indonesia Ubudiyah
Time : 8:00 to 18:00 pm
Further information concerning the 2nd I + ACEH 2016 can be obtained from :
2nd Committee I + ACEH 2016
Ubudiyah University of Indonesia ( UUI )
Jl. Alue Naga Tibang , Banda Aceh , Indonesia
Mobile: +6285214000823 , +6285297802035
email :