As in previous semesters, on Thursday (20/2), FTUI once again held the Engineer’s Oath-taking Ceremony at Makara 04 Smart Meeting Room, FTUI Dean’s Building. A total of 40 out of 43 engineering graduates from this semester attended the event. Since its establishment, these engineers are now officially part of the 373 engineers who have graduated from the Professional Engineer Program (PS-PPI) FTUI.
“The Engineer’s Oath-taking Ceremony is not merely a formality but an important milestone in the journey of engineers as professionals ready to contribute to society and industry. With the addition of 43 new engineers today, FTUI remains committed to producing graduates who possess technical competencies and uphold professional ethics and social responsibility. We hope these engineers will provide innovative solutions to future engineering challenges,” said Prof. Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., in his speech.
“The engineering profession plays a strategic role in the nation’s development, especially in an era of challenges and technological changes. Through the Engineer’s Oath-taking Ceremony, graduates are recognized professionally and reminded of the great responsibilities that come with this title. I hope the engineers inaugurated today will continue to excel, innovate, and provide solutions for Indonesia’s progress. Congratulations to all the new engineers. May your future contributions benefit society and the world,” said Dr.-Ing. Ir. Ilham Akbar Habibie, MBA., IPU, Chairman of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII), in his address.
Out of the 43 graduates this semester, 14 graduates earned the Summa Cum Laude distinction, 20 graduates achieved Cum Laude, and nine graduates were awarded the Very Satisfactory distinction. These figures were presented by Prof. Dr. Ir. Widodo Wahyu Purwanto, DEA. These achievements reflect the high academic standards and the faculty’s commitment to producing excellent engineers.
The ceremony continued with the symbolic presentation of medals and construction helmets to two representative PS-PPI graduates, Ir. Arkav Juliandri, S.T., S.E., S.H., M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D, IPU, and Ir. Annisa Aurindita Amelia, S.Ars. Prof. Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., Dean of FTUI, and Prof. Dr. Ir. Yanuar, M.Eng., M.Sc., Vice Dean for Education, Research, and Student Affairs, presented the medals. Meanwhile, Dr. Ing presented the construction helmets. Ir. Ilham Akbar Habibie, MBA., IPU, Chairman of PII, and Ir. Muhammad Erpandi Dalimunthe, S.T., M.T., MKKK., IPM, Chairman of PII West Java Region.
Following the presentation of medals and helmets, Dr. Ing led a collective recitation of the engineer’s oath. Ir. Ilham Akbar Habibie, MBA., IPU. The event concluded with a group photo session of all participants who had taken the Engineer’s Oath.
Public Communication Office
Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia