48 FTUI Professors received the 2022 Professor Seed Fund which was handed over at the contract signing ceremony for the FTUI 2022 Professor Grant Program in the SMR Room of the FTUI Dean’s Office (08/11). The event was opened by the Deputy Dean for Education, Research and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Yanuar, M.Eng, M.Sc. and was attended by Faculty Leaders and 48 grantee professors. The signing of the 2022 FTUI Professor Grant Program contract was symbolically carried out by Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Anis, M.Met witnessed by Prof. Dr. Ir. Yanuar, M.Eng, M.Sc. as Deputy Dean for Education, Research and Student Affairs and Prof. Ir. Yulianto Sulistyo Nugroho, M.Sc. as Chairman of the Council of Professors.
In his remarks, Prof. Dr. Ir. Yanuar, M.Eng, M.Sc. hope that through this research grant, UI journal citations can increase. “This seed funding grant has several objectives, the first is to provide refreshment for professors who may still be lacking in research funding income or still have doctoral students who have not been funded. The second objective is to assist UI in achieving the target of the Directorate of Higher Education. Then the last goal, the most important is to improve the situation. This is because even though UI has managed to occupy the best position in events, our situation is still under UGM. Therefore, with the presence of seed funding, it is hoped that it will increase the UI citation value.”
At the event, Dr.rer.pol. Romadhani Ardi, S.T., M.T. as the Manager of Student Affairs, Research, and Community Service explained about the FTUI Professor Grant Program 2022. The program which is being carried out until October 2023 will carry out Monev in June 2023. It is hoped that the grant recipients will be able to complete the program properly according to the specified important date.
The 2022 FTUI Professor Grant Program is a program implementation and grant administration activity organized by the FTUI Student Affairs, Research, and Community Service Unit whose funding comes from the UI Community Fund (DAMAS). This program is oriented toward the implementation of engagement activities carried out by FTUI Professors in the fields of education, research, and community service.
Professors choose one of the schemes offered according to their respective fields of expertise and competence, namely the Research Grant Scheme, Community Service Grant Scheme, Reverse Engineering Grant Scheme, Cooperation Incentive Scheme, and Education Incentive Scheme. It is hoped that through this grant, funded research can achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) goals in line with government programs.
Bureau of Public Communications
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia