The FTUI Professional Engineer Program (PPI) which was established in 2018 aims to produce engineers who have competence and can compete with engineers from other countries in the world. On Saturday (29/1) the Engineering Profession Program (PPI) of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) welcomed new students for the Even Semester of the 2021/2022 Academic Year.
The Dean of FTUI, Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU warmly welcomes new students of the Professional Engineer Program. “This semester, PPI FTUI accepts the eighth batch of which consists of eleven new students. In the previous Odd semester 2021/2022, PPI had accepted 25 new students for the regular program. Hopefully in the future, the number of students of this professional program will continue to increase.”
“Welcome to join the PPI. We hope that this year’s learning can support your future career to be more successful with the engineer’s degree that you will get. During the course of the next two semesters, you will get 30% of the material in class and 70% of the learning is in the form of engineering practice on the job field in industry. Good luck for the future!” said Prof. Dr. Ir. Widodo Wahyu Purwanto, DEA., Head of the Engineering Interdisciplinary Research and Education Unit and Head of the FTUI Interdisciplinary Graduate Program.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Fitri Yuli Zulkifli, St., Msc., IPU., Head of the FTUI PPI Study Program explained that many parties played a role in producing engineers. “PPI FTUI acts as an engineer professional education provider. The Indonesian Engineers Association acts as an engineer organization that is mandated to play an active role in the professional development process. The government plays an active role in creating regulations to strengthen the strategic role in the engineering sector. Industry as a place for engineers to practice science and meet the needs of society for services in the field of engineering.
The first meeting for PPI students this year was closed with a warm introduction. The students introduced their current educational and professional background. The PPI student previously received education in the field of engineering at domestic and foreign universities. Currently, they are also working on engineering for state-owned and private companies. The diverse backgrounds of these students can be shared in later lessons as case studies and solutions can be found with an understanding of the theory that will be obtained later in class.
Public Communication Bureau
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia