Three students of the 2019 Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI), namely Fezih Alifia Azzahra, Arvia Nazila Nira, and Raymond Nathanael won Third Place in the business competition, Yada Discovery Business Plan Competition. The business competition organized by Yada Youth Indonesia took place on January 29—March 13, 2022. There were 30 teams from all over Indonesia who participated in this event.
The three students who are members of the Hideung Bodas team proposed a business plan in the form of empowering the Pangandaran community by making woven products from pandan thorn leaves. Departing from the anxiety that arises due to the low quality of education and nutrition of children in Indonesia, an idea was created to create a platform with the name Hideung Bodas as a liaison between communities to raise the standard of living.
“With the innovation of woven pandanus thorns, together with farmers and craftsmen in Pangandaran, Hideung Bodas is here to solve community problems in improving their standard of living from the threshold of poverty through mobile and web-based with competent products. The working principle of Hideung Bodas is quite easy, with a system similar to a marketplace, pandanus thorn leaves are collected by farmers, then processed by craftsmen, and finally the products are sold to customers,” said Fezih, team leader of Hideung Bodas.
In developing the Hideung Bodas application, this team chose to use the prototyping method. Specific information about users’ information needs is precisely collected using a technique called model prototyping. Prototyping has various advantages, including the active participation of users in system development, it is easier to realize the determination of requirements, and software development products are developed in a relatively shorter time.
“The initial goal of the formation of Hideung Bodas was to build children in Indonesia who still live in poverty. This goal is expected to invite the millennial generation to build the education sector in Indonesia to successfully achieve a golden Indonesia in 2045 by maximizing existing technology. Upon further inspection, the education of a region has a close relationship with the regional economy. With a good economy, education will also increase indirectly,” said Arvia.
“As a young generation, we support the Pangandaran community who live below the poverty line to take advantage of natural resources in the form of Pandan Duri Leaves to open a weaving business. This business has the motto “From, By, and For the Community”. Hideung Bodas certainly prioritizes the social value of the community, because apart from buying goods, consumers can also help the Pangandaran people who live below the poverty line. Through the use of digitalization technology, consumers can access products sold through applications or company websites that are provided with the convenience of a UI/UX design,” said Raymond.
The Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU expressed his pride for the achievements of FTUI students. “FTUI wants its graduates to become superior and impactful engineering graduates. Can use the knowledge he has gained to help solve problems in society that have an impact on improving people’s welfare, thereby contributing to the development of Indonesian society.”
Public Communication Bureau
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia