
Career Tele-TW #1 FTUI 2022: Preparation Steps Towards the World Post Campus

FTUI Alumni Association (ILUNI), FTUI Alma mater Center, and FTUI Career Development Center (CDC) collaborated to hold a series of career talk activities filled with FTUI alumni. The inaugural career talk was held with the title, Career Tele-TW #1: Start Your Career Here. The first activity was carried out on Saturday (30/07/22), namely with a kick-off meeting and the first material to discuss the general picture in the field of work.

This activity is held online through Zoom Meeting and is open to students and young alumni of FTUI. In addition, this activity was opened by Nanang Sugianto as the Head of ILUNI FTUI and Prof. Dr. Heri H. S. T., M. Eng., IPU as the Dean of FTUI.

“I am very happy that this first Tele-TW event can be held. Hopefully this activity is useful to be a guide for young alumni who want to have a career in certain fields. Of course, the qualifications are different in each field. This activity might be an enlightenment for alumni, “said Nanang.

“I would like to thank the organizing team from ILUNI FTUI, Alma mater Center FTUI, and also CDC FTUI, who have collaborated so that this activity can run well. Today is the kick-off of the Tele-TW #1 activity with the theme Start Your Career Here,” said Prof. Dr. Harry. The two remarks also officially opened the series of Career Tele-TW #1 FTUI 2022 activities from 30 July to 20 August 2022.

The kick-off meeting and the first material were guided by a moderator, namely Budi Setiawan (Mt ’03). The resource person from Career Tele-TW #1 this first week was filled by Tursinameta Sutaperwata (E ’95), as Group Head, Reward, and People Experiences of PT Paragon Technology and Innovation. He shared his experiences specifically, related to building personal branding, media in showing personal branding, and steps in writing a CV. According to him, personal branding is important to be published through the media, such as Linkedin or CV. This is because recruiters first see information about applicants through these media.

“Personal branding is formed through visibility and value. In more detail, how to form personal branding is from aspirations regarding future life plans, determining the values, skills, and passions you have, and publishing personal branding in media such as Linkedin and CV, “explained Tursinameta.

The next session was filled with the introduction of speakers for Career Tele-TW #1 FTUI 2022. Some of the speakers were alumni of FTUI who have special abilities in certain fields, namely construction and design, digital technology, manufacturing, and energy. Later, some of these resource persons will also become mentors for the participants of Career Tele-TW #1 FTUI 2022.

Through the existence of Career Tele-TW #1, it can be a bridge for solving problems for students and young alumni, when they are confused about determining their future careers. Of course, they will get enlightenment after participating in this activity and can determine the direction of their career in the future.


Public Communication Bureau
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia