
UI Faculty of Engineering Holds First Oath of Profession for 82 Engineers

On Friday (03/10), the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) for the first time held the Engineer Profession Oath. A total of 82 engineers who graduated from the Engineer Professional Study Program (PS-PPI) class of 2018 to class of 2022 attended the inauguration of the engineer profession oath which took place in the FTUI MRPQ Auditorium.

“PS-PPI FTUI has graduated 158 professional engineers from various engineering fields since it was inaugurated in 2018. Today, 82 out of 158 engineer graduates are here with us to take their Engineer Profession oath. I hope that from today onward, all of you will become professional engineers who can provide superior value and have an impact throughout the country for the welfare of the community,” said Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU., Dean of FTUI in his remarks.

In his remarks, Ir. Bambang Goeritno, M.Sc., MPA., IPU., Secretary General of the Central Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) said that with the PS-PPI, it is expected that engineer competency standards in Indonesia can respond to global needs and challenges and produce engineers who have the competence and can compete with engineers from other countries in the world.

The event continued with the signing ceremony of the PS-PPI FUI Cooperation Agreement (PKS) with PII. Then Prof. Dr. Ir. Widodo Wahyu Purwanto, DEA. as the Head of the Engineering Interdisciplinary Education and Research Unit and the Head of the FTUI Interdisciplinary Graduate Program, read out the FTUI PS-PPI graduation report. Of the two programs provided by PS-PPI FTUI, 129 engineers passed through the regular route and 29 passed through the Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) route.

Furthermore, Prof. Widodo said that of the 82 participants who attended, 13 people graduated with Summa Cum Laude status, 62 people graduated with Cum Laude status, 6 people graduated with Very Satisfactory status, and 1 person with satisfactory status.

The procession of placing medals and project helmets was carried out symbolically to two representatives of PS-PPI graduates, namely Ir. Erlinda Muslim, MEE, IPU and Ir. Bambang Niryono, S.T., M.T., IPM. The medallion was given by Prof. Dr. Ir. Yanuar, M.Eng., M.Sc., as Deputy Dean for Education, Research and Student Affairs FTUI and Prof. Ir. Mahmud Sudibandriyo, M.Sc., Ph.D., as Deputy Dean for Resources, Ventures and General Administration FTUI. While the use of project helmets was carried out by Ir. Bambang Goeritno Soekamto and Dr. Ir. Muhammad Erpandi Dalimunthe, S.T., M.T., MKKK., IPM, as Chair of the West Java Region PII.

After the project’s medal and helmet hanging procession was completed, the participants simultaneously recited the engineer’s oath under the direction of Ir. Bambang Goeritno Soekamto. The event ended with a group photo of all participants taking the Oath of Professional Engineer Class of 2018 to 2022.


Bureau of Public Communications
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia