
Kagatrik FTUI Distributes 450 Staple Foods Ahead of Ramadhan

On Friday (03/17), the Electric Power Alumni Family (FTUI Kagatrik) again distributed basic food staples for Tendik in the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI). This tradition has been carried out by Kagatrik FTUI since 2019. As in previous years, the distribution of Gatriker staples will be carried out twice, namely before the month of Ramadan and before Idul Fitri.

“Alhamdulillah, we can return to providing groceries which has been routinely carried out since several years ago. These staple foods were provided by alumni friends who happened to be a part of the FTUI gatrik. We hope that the provision of these necessities can continue in the following years to help prepare for Ramadhan and ahead of Hari Raya,” said Nanang Sugianto, General Chairperson of ILUNI FTUI in his remarks.

Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU. said, “Thank you very much to the alumni and kagatrik FTUI. We again received help from Gatrik friends who volunteered to gather various alumni and networks to contribute to this opportunity. This basic food assistance for the children, God willing, will be put to good use and can be of worship value to those who provide it.”

A total of 403 food packages have been handed over to the FTUI Kagatrik, 354 packages to FTUI staff at the Depok campus and 49 packages to FTUI staff at the Salemba campus. The delivery of the necessities which took place at the Alumni Lounge was then carried out symbolically by the representative of the FTUI Kagatrik, Nanang Eko, to Prof. Heri to be handed over to the staff representative.


Bureau of Public Communications
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia