
Introduction to Hydro Electrical Power Plant

The Tropical Renewable Energy Center (TREC) FTUI Research Cluster in cooperation with I Care Indonesia held a seminar on “Introduction to Hydro Electrical Power Plant” with the theme of Recognizing the Potential Energy in Indonesia which was held on 19-20 April 2016 in Margo Hotel, Depok.

The seminar focuses on discussion on renewable energy available in Indonesia, especially Hydroelectric Power Plant (big plant to micro hydro plant) which was discussed comprehensively from all perspectives: government’s as regulator, PLN as operator, developer company as investor, bank as part of financing and university roles in development.

The seminar featured many competent speakers, such as: speakers from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, National Power Company, Bank Mandiri & Bukopin, several Hydroelectric Power Plant developer company, and the Dean of Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Ir. Dedi Priadi, DEA which delivered a speech on the Role of University in the Development of Technology and Human Resources in the New and Renewable Energy.

Several current conditions that were highlighted by the seminar are: the high demand of energy which still depended on fossil energy (94%) and the relatively big potential with small target market of renewable energy (6%).

There are several obstacles faced in implementing renewable energy source, especially Hydroelectric, such as: the distance between the end user of the electricity and the location of the water resource, the potential water resource is usually located in protected or conservation forest (licensing issue), problems in social and environmental issues (land acquisition and resident relocation), and also the limited power and capacity in developing Hydroelectric Power Plant (consultant, contractor, local manufacture, local funding).

In term of the role of university in renewable energy, there are several activities that can be done: the implementation of science and technology in the development of method and designing an efficient and environmental friendly energy system, start a cooperation with industries and research institutions both nationally and internationally, design prototypes and concepts of energy policies, actively leading by giving examples of the usage of renewable energy, become an internationally certified training center and information dissemination center. (Office of PR FTUI).

Dekan FTUI memaparkan paparannya tentang Peran Perguruan Tinggi dalam Pengembangan Teknologi dan Sumber Daya Manusia di bidang Energi Baru dan Terbarukan

Dean of FTUI present his speech on the Role of University in the Development of Technology and Human Resources in the New and Renewable Energy.

Dekan FTUI menerima penyerahan cinderamata

Token of appreciation for the Dean of FTUI.