
FTUI Holds Dean Greeting Ramadhan Edition Event

On Wednesday (12/04) the FTUI Entrepreneur Dean invited all lecturers, students, and representatives of the FTUI Student Family Association (IKM) to sit together to strengthen kinship. The event which was held in the lobby of the FTUI K Building was attended by around 350 lecturers, students, and several IKM FTUI representatives.

In his remarks, the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU expressed his hopes for the FTUI community, “It doesn’t feel like we have been building FTUI together for a year. Along with the increasing number of lecturers, students, and students every year, let’s continue to build togetherness, brotherhood, and familiarity with one another so that we can become one body that works together to create an even better engineering faculty.”

Prof. Heri also said that FTUI continues to modernize methods and facilities within FTUI. In this regard, he hopes that there will be active input from the FTUI community that is bottom-up if there are facilities, service methods, or learning methods that are not optimal.

Likening students to the parable of the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly, Prof. Heri said that the learning process that students go through for 4 years is the same as that of a fasting caterpillar. When students finally graduate, they will become excellent and impactful FTUI alumni, just like a caterpillar transforms into a beautiful butterfly.

The event continued with the handing over of holiday gift vouchers symbolically through 18 representatives from faculty staff and staff and lecturers from each department. Before breaking the fast, Dr. Ir. Muhammad Salman, ST, MIT. as Chairperson of the Technical Mushola Prosperity Council and Head of the FTUI Computer Engineering Study Program delivered a tausiyah with the theme Lailatur Qadr.

Salman said that the last 10 days of Ramadan is the time when Muslims must tighten their belts in worship. “This matter is caused because, among the last 10 nights of Ramadan, Allah sends down Lailatul Qadr whose glory is more than a thousand months. Tonight is so special for Muslims because the angels in the sky will descend simultaneously to earth to guarantee the prayers that are said by Muslims.”

“Lailatur qadr is a special gift that Allah gave specifically to the people of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Only selected servants are destined to get the privilege of the night of Lailatul Qadar. Therefore, let’s continue to improve our worship practices so that they remain imprinted for the next 11 months,” said Salman further.

The series of events then continued with breaking the fast and praying together and closed with the distribution of holiday gift vouchers to all FTUI lecturers and staff.


Bureau of Public Communications
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia