
ProfCast 12: Learn More About Biomedical Engineering

ProfCast FTUI episode 12 is back with a special guest. This episode presents the Head of the Biomedical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI), namely Dr. Basari, S.T., M.Eng., discussing more Biomedical Engineering. ProfCast episode 12 is hosted by Dr. Ir. Hendri D.S. Budiono and M.Eng.Ilmu. Biomedical Engineering is a multidisciplinary science that combines medicine, engineering, and biology. These three sciences were combined and later became Biomedical Engineering with very broad applications, covering the fields of materials, electrical engineering, chemistry, and machinery. This science seeks to create health devices that can be useful. At FTUI itself, Biomedical Engineering has been established since 2018 and has five batches.

As Head of the Study Program and Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering, Dr. Basari succeeded in creating a medical device, namely a ventilator called COVID Ventilator (COVENT) 20, which combines two sciences, namely engineering and medicine. The function of the ventilator created by Dr. Basari will help someone when they have difficulty breathing so that the breathing process is easier and they do not lose oxygen. Dr. Basari said that “COVENT 20 has an engineering concept in the form of mechanical and electrical components. In principle, this tool is made by engineers, and later this tool is used by users who come from the medical field,” he said.

COVENT 20 was sparked during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, and there was a challenge from FTUI to its academics to contribute to helping ease the difficult times of COVID-19. Dr. Basari managed to design COVENT 20 for about a month. Dr. Basari said that COVENT 20 had succeeded in becoming a prototype and providing benefits by donating 300 units throughout Indonesia, from Aceh to Papua. COVENT 20 also made it into the catalogue.

COVENT 20 has several advantages, namely being portable, easy to use, energy-saving, multi-mode, and smart. Going forward, COVENT 20 is planned to continue to be developed into a touch screen to make it easier for users. Apart from the products created by Dr. Basari as the Head of the FTUI Biomedical Engineering Study Program, there is also another interesting medical device created by the FTUI Biomedical Engineering lecturer, namely the Implant. The implants created by this material and design are highly biocompatible.

On a separate occasion, the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU, said that during his term, FTUI put more emphasis on reverse engineering programs, including for medical device products. “In the context of medical devices, reverse engineering can have significant benefits. By studying and analyzing existing products, FTUI researchers and students can gain an in-depth understanding of the design principles, functions, and performance of these medical devices. This can become a solid foundation for better product development and improvement in the future.”

For more information, let’s thoroughly watch ProfCast episode 12 on the FTUI YouTube channel at the following link: ProfCast: Episode 12: Biomedical Engineering


Bureau of Public Communications
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia