
FTUI Doctorate Researches Fire Smoke Control Systems in Buildings with Performance-Based Designs

Along with economic development in Indonesia, the number of new buildings continues to increase in line with people’s desire for a better standard of living. Steps to improve building safety standards in Indonesia are very important. One of the hazards that often threaten buildings in Indonesia is fire. Safety standards for controlling fire and smoke in buildings are important.

FTUI Mechanical Engineering doctoral program student Beline raised his research related to this in his dissertation entitled “Approach to Fire Smoke Control Systems in Buildings with Performance-Based Design”. In her doctoral promotion session (26/06), Beline revealed that although previous studies had discussed solutions for controlling the flow of smoke in buildings, more scientific papers were still needed that proposed final solutions for fire safety planning in buildings that were very complex and tall.

“Building planners must consider the interactions between various systems in a building and develop innovative performance-based safety system designs. Performance-based design is an approach to designing fire protection systems that aim to determine how well a fire protection system can protect buildings and their occupants. In controlling fire smoke in tall buildings. Performance-based design is essential to ensuring that the fire protection system can function effectively and efficiently. This performance-based design determines the need for a fire protection system that is following the fire risk and potential hazard of smoke in tall buildings,” said Beline in her presentation.

Next Belin
revealed that this smoke control design can be carried out effectively and efficiently by identifying and repairing weaknesses in the existing fire protection system to improve the safety of building occupants. This fire safety research focuses on active protection systems with mechanical ventilation. This research was conducted using experimental methods and numerical computations using Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS) software based on CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics).

The Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU, said, “With a focus on performance-based design, this research offers an innovative and effective approach to dealing with fire hazards. A good smoke control system is needed to reduce the risk of toxic smoke and speed up the evacuation process in an emergency. Using performance methods, this research will make an important contribution to the development of more efficient and secure solutions.”

The Beline Doctoral Promotion took place in the Kapal Api Smart Classroom Room, GK Building, 3rd Floor. In this session, Beline managed to get her 100th Doctorate from the Department of Mechanical Engineering (DTM) at FTUI and her 505th Doctorate from FTUI. The Doctoral Promotion Session was chaired by Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Idrus Alhamid, with Promoter Prof. Ir. Yulianto Setyo Nugroho, M.Sc., Ph.D., and Co-Promoter Prof. Dr. Ing. Nasruddin, as well as several Board of Examiners: Prof. Dr. Ir. Prihadi Setyo Darmanto, DEA; Dr. Ir. Budihardjo; Dr. Agus Pamitran, M. Eng.; Dr. Arnas Lubis; and Ahmad Syihan Auzanihan Auzanihan Auzani, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.


Bureau of Public Communications
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia