
FTUI Alumni Golfers Community (GiFT UI) Holds the VIth Charity Golf Tournament Roosseno Cup and Donates 570 Million to FTUI

The VIth Roosseno Cup Charity Golf Tournament was held by the FTUI Alumni Golfers Community (GiFT UI) with the support of Iluni FTUI on Sunday (20/8/2023). This year, the tournament was held at Sedayu Indo Golf PIK, Jakarta. This tournament is a routine activity held annually as a sporting and fundraising event aimed at program development at the Faculty of Engineering UI. This event is a tangible manifestation of the spirit of brotherhood and dedication of the golf enthusiast community among FTUI alumni.

This year, GiFT UI managed to collect donations totalling Rp570 million. This donation was then distributed for Smart Classroom renovation amounting to Rp400 million and Rp170 million for scholarships that will be distributed to Yayasan Mata Air Biru Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia (YMAB FTUI).

Dean of FTUI, Prof. Heri expressed his gratitude for the donations collected in this tournament. Prof. Heri said that Charity Tournament activities like this are needed to arouse the enthusiasm of FTUI alumni to provide benefits to their alma mater.

“The donation of 570 million for the construction of smart classrooms and scholarships for FTUI students is not only a financial contribution, but also a tangible proof of GiFT UI’s commitment and attention to the development of education at FTUI. With this support, we will be able to create a more modern and inclusive learning environment and provide greater opportunities for students to achieve their dreams. Thank you very much for this valuable contribution,” said Prof. Heri.

The Charity Tournament which is routinely held through the Roosseno Cup event is expected to be able to strengthen the relationship between alumni so that they are more solid and compact in a joint effort to advance the Indonesian nation better. In addition, the fundraising is expected to be able to provide wider benefits for the world of education, especially at FTUI.


Public Communication Bureau
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia