
DTE-FTUI Collaborates with Metaderma to Bring Innovation in the Health Sector

The Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (DTE-FTUI) collaborates with the Metaderma Dermatologist platform (metaderma. id) to bring technological innovation to the health sector. The collaboration meeting occurred in the Multimedia Meeting Room 2nd floor of the Electrical Engineering Building, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (27/09).

In the meeting, lecturers from DTE-FTUI, I Gde Dharma Nugraha, S.T., M.T., Ph.D and Tomy Abuzairi, S.T., M.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. Prof. Dr. Putu Wuri Handayani, S.Kom., M.Sc, a Lecturer in Computer Science at the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia, also participated in this meeting. In addition, three students from DTE-FTUI also played an active role in this collaboration.

Metaderma is a platform for dermatologists. At the meeting, Dr Sonia Wibisono, Chief Executive Officer of Metaderma, and the Metaderma team consisting of Andar Sulistiana, Digital Marketing Metaderma, Dayu Layuk Bandaso, Content Creator Metaderma, and Farhan Hibatullah, Creative Metaderma were also present.

The meeting discussed collaboration plans related to innovative technology projects in the form of medical devices that aim to simplify the process of making medicines, especially skin medicines, which doctors usually formulate. Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU, stated, “With the presence of this medical device innovation, we hope to help health workers, especially pharmacists and pharmacists, in compounding skin medicines for the wider community.”

One of the main innovations in this medical device is the use of robotic technology that can connect directly to the internet network. This enables integration between the device and Metaderma’s skin health platform (metaderma. id), making the user’s work process more efficient and simplifying the user’s work rhythm.

Not only that, the technology in this medical device also has the potential to improve patient safety through improving the quality of the medicine produced. The consistency of drug quality can be better maintained because the system of robotic technology used has been tested regularly.

The collaboration between DTE-FTUI and Metaderma in presenting technological innovations in the health sector is expected to be a superior solution in formulating skin care drugs that benefit various parties, including health workers and the general public. Through the synergy between academic knowledge and practical expertise, they hope to continue creating solutions that are innovative and relevant to the needs of the Indonesian people.


Public Communication Bureau
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia