
Again, FTUI Lecturers and Researchers in the Top 2% World Ranking Scientist

In 2023, Stanford University and Elsevier BV again released a list of the most influential scientists in the world. The ranking entitled Top 2% World Ranking Scientist is a ranking that is carried out annually. The researchers included in the ranks of the Most Influential Scientists in the world are those who actively conduct research and publish scientific papers.

This year, nine UI lecturers and researchers made it into the Top 2% World Ranking Scientist 2023. who came from three faculties: the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Medicine, and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

Three of the nine lecturers and researchers who entered the Top 2% World Ranking Scientist came from the Faculty of Engineering, namely Prof. Mohammed Ali Berawi, M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D. (Civil Engineering), Prof. Dr-Ing. Nandy Setiadi Djaya Putra (Mechanical Engineering), and Prof. Dr. Muhammad Suryanegara, S.T., M.Sc. (Electrical Engineering).

Meanwhile, the six other UI lecturers and researchers are Prof. dr. Jeanne Adiwinata, M.S., Ph.D., and dr. Indah Suci Widyahening, M.S., M.Sc., CM-FM., Ph.D., from FK UI, Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Rosari Saleh, Prof. Dr. Yoki Yulizar, M.Sc., Munawar Khalil, S.Si., M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D., and Dr. Dipo Aldila, S.Si., M.Si., from FMIPA UI.

Of the nine UI lecturers and researchers who won this award, Prof Mohammed Ali Berawi from FTUI achieved the highest rank in the single-year impact category by ranking 59,220 out of 210,198 scientists. In addition, Prof Mohammed Ali Berawi also entered the career-long category by ranking 193,434 out of 204,643 scientists. In addition to Prof Mohammed Ali Berawi, Prof Nandy from FTUI also entered the career-long category, ranking 170,668 out of 204,643 scientists.

On a separate occasion, the Dean of FTUI gave his best appreciation to lecturers and researchers from FTUI who have spread impactful benefits, “The entry of lecturers from the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia into the Most Influential Scientists in the World is an honour and pride for FTUI, UI, and Indonesia. This shows the usefulness of the research produced by FTUI academics. In addition, this award is a reminder and encouragement for FTUI academics to continue developing research that brings impact and change in the national and international arena,” said Prof Heri.

The selection of scientists is based on the most cited names in scientific journals in the world. Scientists included in this database are classified into 22 scientific fields and 174 scientific subfields. The selection is based on the top 100,000 scientists by c-score (with and without self-citations) or 2% percentile rank.
The list of the World’s Most Influential Scientists is authored by Prof John P.A. Ioannidis, M.D., Ph.D. of Stanford University. This edition is the fifth edition of “Updated science-wide author databases of standardised citation indicators” published by Elsevier.


Bureau of Public Communication
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia