
ProfCast 14 FTUI: Collaboration between Materials and Defence Industry in Safeguarding NKRI

ProfCast FTUI episode 14 presents another special guest. This episode presents the Professor of the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (DTMM FTUI) and former Director General of Defence Potential of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Indonesia (Dirjen Pothan Kemenhan RI), Prof. Dr. Ir. Bondan Tiara Sofyan, M.Si. Hosted by Prof. Dr. Ir. Hendri D.S. Budiono, M.Eng., Prof. Bondan further discussed the material and independence of Indonesia’s defence industry.

“All technology relies and the key is in the material. The same applies to materials related to the defence industry. It is very interesting to discuss that the independence of the defence industry must be owned by Indonesia. For example, we currently have PT Pindad which produces 2.5 million bullets. Indonesia needs 6 million rounds, and to fill the gap of 4 million rounds, Indonesia has to import from other countries. Indonesia is a country with abundant material potential, we have independent potential. However, I have not been able to utilise it properly. Therefore, from this, I am trying to conduct research to produce independent materials to support the independence and progress of the defence industry,” Prof. Bondan explained.

The former Director General of Defence, also said “In designing a defence equipment, knowledge of the properties of various types of materials, material selection, production processes, component design, and manufacturing technology is very important to produce a superior, high-quality, and competitive defence industry.”

Combat equipment in maintaining Indonesia’s defence is closely related to the field of Metallurgy. The defence industry and the field of Metallurgy are two important pillars to create a strong and independent Indonesian defence so that the defence industry and materials are also a form of collaboration in defending the country and maintaining the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia.

On a separate occasion, the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU responded that “The development of the defence industry is in the interest of all stakeholders who play an important role in maintaining Indonesia’s defence. This step by the Professor from FTUI is a form of FTUI’s commitment to having a superior impact on the progress of Indonesia, especially in the field of defence,” he said.

For more, let’s see the complete ProfCast episode 14 on the UI Faculty of Engineering YouTube channel.


Public Communication Bureau
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia