
FTUI Holds Medical Check-Up 2023 for 147 Staff and Lecturers

The Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI) held another Medical Check Up (MCU) on 30-31 October 2023. This activity was held in the Alumni Lounge room of the FTUI Deanate and was attended by 147 education personnel and young lecturers from various work units, research centres, security, and outsourcing in the FTUI environment.

This health check is part of FTUI’s commitment to ensure the welfare and optimal health condition of all faculty members. In collaboration with Prodia Laboratory, the tests included Complete Urine, Liver Function (SGPT), Fat Metabolism (Total Cholesterol, LDL Direct Cholesterol, Triglycerides), Kidney Function (Creatinine and Uric Acid), Sugar Metabolism (Fasting Sugar and HbA1c for participants over 45 years old), Electrocardiogram (ECG), and Ultrasound.

The Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, M.Eng., IPU, expressed the importance of this activity, “The health of faculty members is a fundamental thing that needs to be fulfilled to support the progress and continuity of the faculty. MCU is not only a preventive measure, but also a form of FTUI’s attention and support for the welfare of all faculty members.”

The same thing was also conveyed by the FTUI Human Resources and Facilities Manager, Ajib Setyo Arifin, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., “We at FTUI prioritise the welfare and health of our education staff. Therefore, we continue the annual Medical Check Up activity as a form of attention to their health. Through this activity, we hope to provide access and quality health monitoring, so that education personnel can work optimally and feel supported in carrying out their duties.”

With the number of participants increasing from the previous year, MCU 2023 is expected to provide a comprehensive health report, so that preventive measures or early treatment can be taken immediately. This activity is expected to create a healthy, productive, and quality FTUI work environment.


Public Communication Office
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia