
FTUI Faculty Introduces and Implements Appropriate Technology in Ciwaru, Kuningan

An extraordinary initiative has been undertaken by a group of faculty members from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI) to improve the living standards of the community in Ciwaru, Kuningan. They organized a community service program focused on introducing and implementing appropriate technology in the area.

A team consisting of 17 faculty members from various engineering disciplines, such as civil engineering, environmental engineering, computer engineering, and electrical engineering, conducted surveys and visits to Ciwaru Village, Kuningan, West Java to introduce technological solutions that could have a positive impact on the local community.

In addition, FTUI faculty members provided training and outreach on more efficient techniques using simple yet effective tools, such as automatic solar-powered lights. The use of these automatic solar-powered lights is a form of applying renewable energy. This technology, derived from the process of converting sunlight into electricity, can serve as an alternative to Public Street Lighting (PJU) lamps. These lights are known to assist in illuminating the streets at night for pedestrians and drivers.

Dr. Purnomo Sidi Priambodo, Head of the Community Service Team BT04 FTUI, stated, “With the help of this technology, we also want to illustrate that utilizing solar energy is an alternative step due to the depleting current energy sources on Earth. Furthermore, it is hoped that the Ciwaru community will be inspired to utilize this technology after experiencing the benefits, leading to a desire to install solar-powered lighting in other locations.”

“We believe that the transfer of knowledge and appropriate technology is the key to empowering rural communities. Through collaboration with them, we hope to contribute to improving the quality of life, economic enhancement, and environmental preservation in Ciwaru,” said FTUI Dean, Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU.

This community service program not only provides technological solutions but also offers ongoing mentoring and training to residents so that they can become self-sufficient in utilizing the technology.

It is expected that this collaborative effort will not only directly benefit the Ciwaru community but also serve as inspiration for the development of similar initiatives in various other regions in Indonesia, creating a positive impact on a broader scale.


Office of Public Communication
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia